VIDEO: Dr. Charles Krauthammer Accepts MRC's Buckley Award for Media E

September 27th, 2013 12:29 PM
With his trenchant dry humor and perfectly-timed zings at various liberals in the media, Charles Krauthammer delighted the audience at the Media Research Center's 2013 Gala and DisHonors Aawrds, where the syndicated columnist graciously accepted the MRC's William F. Buckley Jr. Award for Media Excellence. Dr. Krauthammer opened by quipping that, although he is still a licensed psychiatrist…

Krauthammer: ObamaCare Increases Number of Tax Collectors and Decrease

September 20th, 2013 7:05 PM
"Now this is a way to approach our healthcare problems: increase the number of tax collectors and decrease the number of doctors – brilliant!" So said syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer about ObamaCare on Fox News's Special Report Friday.

Krauthammer Scolds Shields and Totenberg for ‘Spinning From the Whit

September 14th, 2013 12:52 PM
On Inside Washington Friday, PBS’s Mark Shields and NPR’s Nina Totenberg predictably echoed the Administration’s claims that its threats of force in Syria led Russian President Vladimir Putin to broker a chemical weapons deal. Fortunately for viewers, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer was present to scold his fellow panelists for “spinning from the White House” (video follows with…

Krauthammer: Putin's Op-Ed ‘The Fruits’ of Obama’s ‘Epically I

September 12th, 2013 7:05 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer had some harsh words for Barack Obama Thursday as well as for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s op-ed in the New York Times. Appearing on Fox News’s Special Report, Krauthammer said, “These are the fruits of a completely incompetent, epically incompetent foreign policy diplomacy by Obama.”

Krauthammer: Chance of Weapons Being Eliminated From Syria Less Than C

September 10th, 2013 11:04 AM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer had some harsh words for the apparent peace proposal offered by Russian President Vladimir Putin involving Syria turning over its chemical weapons. Appearing on Fox News's Special Report Monday, Krauthammer said, “The chances of these weapons being eliminated from Syria are less than of the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series this year, and they are…

Krauthammer on Shrinking Workforce: 'This is What Happens When You Bec

September 6th, 2013 7:08 PM
Charles Krauthammer blasted Friday’s news that there are now over 90 million Americans no longer considered part of the workforce. Appearing on Fox News’s Special Report, Krauthammer said, “This is what happens when you become a European-like country.”

Krauthammer: If Obama Miscalculates Syria Strike ‘We Could Have a Ma

August 30th, 2013 7:12 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer made a dire observation Friday about what appears to be an inevitable strike on Syria. Appearing on Fox News’s Special Report, Krauthammer said, “Well, if [President Obama] miscalculates and the Iranians or Hezbollah reacts, we could have a regional war, a major regional.”

Krauthammer: Britain Voting Against Syrian Military Action ‘Complete

August 29th, 2013 7:08 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer had some harsh words for the White House Thursday. Commenting on Fox News’s Special Report about the British government’s decision to not take part in a military action against Syria, Krauthammer said, “It is a complete humiliation for the Obama administration.”

Krauthammer on Attacking Syria: 'What's Russia Going to Do? Cancel Ano

August 28th, 2013 10:08 AM
With all eyes on Syria and what the Obama administration is going to do in response to alleged chemical weapons use by Bashar Assad, many are concerned with how Vladimir Putin will react if we attack. On Fox News's O'Reilly Factor Tuesday, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer marvelously asked, "What's Russia going to do? Cancel another summit?"

Krauthammer: Pointless to Attack Syria Unless Goal Is Regime Change

August 27th, 2013 7:11 PM
With all eyes on Syria and what appears to be a looming United States strike, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said Tuesday that it’s a “pointless exercise” unless we’re going all in to remove Bashar Assad. Appearing on Fox News’s Special Report Krauthammer said, “If we are going to have an attack, it should be aimed at that, and if it’s not, we shouldn't be doing anything."

Krauthammer: Obama Has Made America ‘Irrelevant’ in the Middle Eas

August 21st, 2013 7:07 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer had some harsh words for the White House Wednesday. Appearing on Fox News’s Special Report, Krauthammer said President Obama has made America “irrelevant” in the Middle East.

On PBS, Glenn Thrush Says GOP Objection to Hillary Documentary Is ‘N

August 15th, 2013 12:12 PM
Politico’s Glenn Thrush attacked RNC chairman Reince Priebus last Friday for Priebus’s threat to withhold 2016 GOP primary debates from NBC and CNN. Priebus was upset because NBC and CNN are planning to run a miniseries and a documentary, respectively, about presumed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Appearing on PBS’s Inside Washington, Thrush dismissed Priebus’s criticism…

Krauthammer: Obama Has 'Thrown the Book' at the Enemy - 'The Dictionar

August 6th, 2013 7:21 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer had some harsh words Tuesday for the White House calling the evacuation of our embassies in the Middle East “ordered departures.” Appearing on Fox News’s Special Report, Krauthammer said, “This is the first administration in history ever to launch a lexicological war on the enemy. You know, they’ve thrown the book at them - the dictionary.”

Krauthammer: Obama ‘Reinjected’ Race Into Zimmerman Controversy

July 19th, 2013 7:06 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer had some harsh words for Barack Obama’s address to the nation Friday concerning the George Zimmerman verdict. Appearing on Fox News’s Special Report, Krauthammer said the President “reinjected” race into the controversy with his words.