Cathy Areu

Far-Left Guest to Tucker Carlson: Allow Immigrants, Foreigners to Vote
March 30th, 2018 2:46 AM
The Trump presidency has driven many leftists to expose their true beliefs — radical, loony, or both. Cathy Areu was quite a bit of both in her appearance on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show Thursday evening, as she advocated non-citizen voting, "contributing" foreigners voting and resident foreign diplomats voting, and even cross-U.S. state voting.
WaPo Mag Editor: 'Tough Time to Be a White Man in America Where the Mi
June 25th, 2012 9:57 PM
Cathy Areu, a contributing editor for the Washington Post Magazine, said Monday, "It’s a tough time to be a white man in America where the minorities are really taking over."
This oddly surfaced on Fox News's O'Reilly Factor during a discussion about New York Times columnist Charles Blow comparing Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich to the kids that bullied a grandmother on a school bus last week…

WashPost Mag Editor Compares Chris Christie to Tony Soprano
February 22nd, 2012 6:06 PM
Cathy Areu, of the Washington Post Magazine, compared Sarah Palin to unsophistocated redneck Larry the Cable Guy back in 2010. She was back to her old self Thursday morning on CNN's Starting Point, railing against Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) as "a Tony Soprano" character.
CNN host Soledad O'Brien also had some fun with Christie's weight, chuckling at Piers Morgan's compliment that governor…

Bill O'Reilly Clashes With WashPost Writer on MSNBC's Ban of 'Extremis
January 28th, 2012 9:30 AM
On The O'Reilly Factor on Thursday night, Bill O'Reilly took on MSNBC's apparent ban on their former contributor Pat Buchanan in obedience to left-wing lobbies like Color of Change, who wanted him removed form the airwaves. Cathy Areu, a contributor to The Washington Post Magazine, argued Buchanan was a "white extremist" and "white supremacist" who "absolutely" should be banned and fired.
MSNBC Seeks Analysis From WaPo Journalist Who Slammed Sarah Palin as L
May 14th, 2010 5:26 PM
MSNBC's Alex Witt on Friday featured a rabidly anti-Sarah Palin journalist to explain why the former governor spoke at a National Rifle Association conference. Asked to comment, Cathy Areu, a Washington Post magazine editor, derided, "Oh, my God! She is such a fear-monger and really just appeals to this group of people who likes to hear all of these crazy comments." Areu first drew fawning…
Egg on MSNBC's Faces: Palin-Bashing Cathy Areu Shows Up on Fox with Bi
April 16th, 2010 8:54 PM
MSNBC's Peter Alexander claimed this afternoon that magazine publisher Cathy Areu declined an interview with Bill O'Reilly: "Areu said thanks but no thanks to Fox. Saying she wanted to appear right here on MSNBC. We don't blame her."
But there she was, in the first interview segment on Friday night's Factor: Cathy Areu, responding to O'Reilly's questions on her claim on the Headline News show…
MSNBC Anchor Touts Journalist Who Compared Palin to Larry the Cable Gu
April 16th, 2010 5:17 PM
MSNBC's Peter Alexander on Friday eagerly agreed with a journalist who attacked Sarah Palin as "Larry the Cable Guy, minus the class and intelligence." Talking to Cathy Areu, contributing editor of the Washington Post magazine, Alexander gushed, "It's a good line." [Audio available here.]As first reported on NewsBusters, Areu slammed the former Alaskan governor on CNN, Wednesday. Playing to MSNBC…
Palin Compared to 'Larry the Cable Guy -- Minus the Class and Intellig
April 15th, 2010 10:45 PM
On Wednesday night's edition of Showbiz Tonight on CNN Headline News, anchor A. J. Hammer churned up the hype about Sarah Palin making an estimated $12 million. To analyze this haul, Hammer brought on Cathy Areu, creator of Catalina magazine (for Latina women) and a contributor to The Washington Post Magazine, and Rachel Zalis of Life and Style Weekly. But it was Areu who suggested Palin was a…
WaPo Mag Editor: 'Any Latina Could Make a Better Decision Than a White
July 17th, 2009 2:44 PM
In today's "She Really Didn't Say That, Did She?" segment, a contributing editor to Washington Post magazine claimed that if Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor were being really honest with America, "[S]he probably would want to say, 'Not only do I mean a wise Latina, I meant any Latina could make a better decision than a white man could.'" Wow!For those unfamiliar, besides being contributing…