Alan Feuer

NYT Loves FBI: SWAT Teams, Surveillance, Pressuring Twitter All Cool
For decades the New York Times used the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a symbol of the fears of oppressive government surveillance. The Times has cheerfully tossed all that history aside to engage in knee-jerk defense of the agency -- when it’s Republicans doing the criticizing. Reporters Adam Goldman and Alan Feuer raced to defend the paper’s favorite domestic…

Partisan NY Times Blames 'Right-Wing Rhetoric' for Violence
One co-lead story in Sunday’s New York Times regarding the aftermath of the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residency screamed “As Right-Wing Rhetoric Escalates, So Do Threats and Violence.” According to reporter Alan Feuer, this violence is taking place almost exclusively on the right, the actual fact of violence by Black Lives Matter riots and ANTIFA notwithstanding.

BLM-Loving NYTimes Finds Vax Mandate Protests 'Dangerous,' 'Violent'
After its smear-filled coverage of the Canadian truckers’ protest over anti-vaccine mandates, now shuttered by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s authoritarian government, the New York Times is stoking fears of similar protests in the United States and New Zealand. “A Truck Caravan With Far-Right Links Heads to Washington, D.C." The American truckers certainly didn’t get the soft Black…
NYT Embraces Avenatti’s Jail Claims, Ignored Those of Capitol Rioters
It’s clear the New York Times is selectively concerned about jail conditions for politically controversial inmates and defendants -- depending on whether they are pro- or anti- Donald Trump. Michael Avenatti, the former media hero turned disgraced anti-Trump lawyer who also crusaded against now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh, was tried and convicted for trying to extort Nike out of $25…
NY Times Displays BIG Double Standard on 1/6 and 9/11 Conspiracists
New York Times reporter Alan Feuer made the front page Wednesday with his investigation of a former Army colonel who wrongly thinks Donald Trump was robbed of reelection by voting machines in 2020: “Phil Waldron's Unlikely Role in Pushing Baseless Election Claims.” Feuer once reported favorably on a convention of 9-11 Truthers and rehashed their crazed convictions that the Bush…
Nasty NYT Conflates GOP Border Control, School Protests with Neo-Nazis
New York Times reporter Alan Feuer made the front page on Thanksgiving with his “news analysis” equating neo-Nazi marchers with border control measures, school board protesters, even Kaepernick critics: “Charlottesville’s Extremist Theories Echo in the Mainstream Right.” Feuer promoted dangerous left-wing extremism back in June 2006 from a convention of 9-11 truthers.

FACE-PALM: NYT Can’t Make Mind Up About Urban Crime Wave
The New York Times, when it’s not blaming President Trump for riots in Democratic-controlled cities, is making excuses for those hapless Democrats who run those crime-ridden cities, who have no ability to control what actually happens on the streets of their cities. Mayors are so powerless, it’s a wonder people bother to have them! Reporter Emily Badger whined about Trump “Making…

NY Times Can’t Deny Rioting, Now Blames Trump For It in Lead Story
The media can no longer deny the continuous rioting in American cities every night by left-wing thugs. With Joe Biden at last weighing in, the story has become impossible to avoid, so the press is instead shamelessly pivoting, acknowledging the violence in the streets only to portraying President Trump as the instigator. Monday’s New York Times lead story appeared under slanted…

Name That Party, NY Times: Charges for GOPer Collins v. Democrat Brown

NYT Gushes Over Hannity-Exposing Kimba Wood vs. 'Right-Wing Media'

NYT Poses Muslim Feminist as Target of Right-Wing Hate, Skips Her Own

NYT's Feuer Hurls Psych Slurs at Giuliani for Trump Support

After TX Terror, NYT Arrogantly Parses 'Free Speech vs. Hate Speech'