CNN’s Roberts Throws Softballs at Joe Wilson on McClellan

November 21st, 2007 2:44 PM
CNN’s John Roberts conducted a softball interview with Joe Wilson on Wednesday’s "American Morning," based upon the claim by former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan that he had "unknowingly passed along false information" about the roles of Karl Rove and Scooter Libby in the Valerie Plame "leak." McClellan made the claim in his upcoming book, and further stated that "Rove, Libby, the…

NBC's David Gregory Falsely States Libby 'Went to Jail

November 21st, 2007 11:10 AM
NBC News White House correspondent David Gregory, accused of being a partisan, made a false statement about the "Scooter" Libby case. In reporting former White House press secretary Scott McClellan’s charge that the Bush administration fed false information, Gregory claimed Libby "went to jail for obstructing the leak investigation." Although Libby was sentenced to 30 months of prison, Libby…

Time Rejected Hiring Karl Rove, Saw Him as Unindicted Felon

November 20th, 2007 2:34 PM
Radar Online reported Tuesday that before being signed as a contributor by Newsweek magazine, Rove was first shopped to Time, but that didn’t happen because "They think Karl is essentially an unindicted coconspirator in a whole string of felonies." Wow, what a liberal smell Time puts out. For older media-watchers, this recalls the Washington bureau of Time sitting around on C-SPAN on the verge of…

Discredited 'Journalist' Jason Leopold Pesters Valerie Plame with Karl

November 19th, 2007 9:14 AM
What do you do when your heavily hyped book plummets from number 6 on the New York Times bestseller list to a mere 299 on in just a matter of a few weeks? If you're Valerie Plame, you turn to discredited "journalist" Jason Leopold for self-hype help as you can see in this video. Howard Kurtz has written of Leopold's dubious background in a March 9, 2005 Washington Post article:Jason…

Fame Game: Plame Protests Too Much

October 29th, 2007 8:36 AM
With a little help from Joe Scarborough, Valerie Plame Wilson tried this morning to paint herself as someone who, far from seeking "Vanity Fair" fame, had celebrity thrust upon her in a moment of distraction. Right.And try this quick quiz:Q. Is it possible to get through an extended interview of Valerie Plame Wilson without mentioning Richard Armitage?A. Yes, if Joe Scarborough is the interviewer…

Valerie Plame Hates The Washington Post, Compares It to Pravda

October 28th, 2007 7:53 AM
In her interview tour of left-wing, Bush-hating Web sites, Valerie Plame threw a bone to Firedoglake (the one that refers to Joe Lieberman as "Rape Gurney Joe" for not forcing Catholic hospitals to provide "emergency contraception" for rape victims). She also granted one to, which just this week awarded its "Wings of Justice" Award to Pete "Bush Is Amused by Soldiers Dying" Stark.…

Zero 'Trash for Cash' Questions for Valerie Plame In Network Puff Tour

October 26th, 2007 7:07 AM
For years now, Valerie Plame has been the toast of the liberal glitterati, a celebrated combat specialist against the Vast Bush Conspiracy. Every move the former CIA employee has made has oozed political and commercial calculation. She struck a book deal with Simon & Schuster worth more than $2 million. She struck a movie deal based on the book deal with Warner Brothers for millions more, so…

Plame Blows Kisses at CBS, NBC, Bloggers; Husband Hails Hillary

October 24th, 2007 7:57 AM
As Valerie Plame does the interview rounds – CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR – someone might miss the far-left, Bush-hating blog interviews. On Firedoglake, the most notable pro-Plame blog, Plame did a typewritten chat with her leftist admirers on Monday. She loved the leftist bloggers at FDL – even had them to her home for dinner -- and declared her interviews on CBS and NBC were fair.

CBS: Valerie Plame a Victim, Despite Admitting to Being ‘Partisan

October 22nd, 2007 4:56 PM
Both CBS "Evening News" anchor Katie Couric and "Early Show" co-host Harry Smith portrayed Valerie Plame and her husband, Joe Wilson, as innocent victims, even though Plame admitted to being "partisan" in a "60 Minutes" interview with Couric on Sunday. On Friday’s "Early Show," Smith opened a segment previewing the upcoming interview by explaining that, "Valerie Plame spent nearly 20 years in the…

Couric Previews Valerie Plame Interview, No Mention of Leaker Armitage

October 19th, 2007 2:52 PM
Perhaps one of the most distorted stories in recent mainstream media history, the Valerie Plame CIA leak controversy, has become even more so with Plame’s upcoming "60 Minutes" interview with CBS Anchor, Katie Couric. On Friday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith talked with Couric about the interview and began by describing Plame as "...beautiful, smart, a covert agent." Smith then went on…

Media Won't Report on Bush Malaria Initiative

October 19th, 2007 1:04 PM

ABC Blames Karl Rove for Swift Boat Ads, All Nets Scold Him for Plame

August 14th, 2007 1:47 AM
Reporting on the resignation of presidential political adviser Karl Rove, ABC's World News on Monday night absurdly blamed Karl Rove for the ads from Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and featured John Kerry's condemnation of Rove as all three broadcast network evening shows castigated Rove for his criticism of how Democrats want to coddle terrorists and highlighted his “leaking” of Valerie Plame's…

Alec Baldwin Still Can't Figure Out Who Leaked Valerie Plame's Name

August 3rd, 2007 8:16 AM
Apparently one of the movie roles that Alec Baldwin won't be playing in the future is that of Sherlock Holmes. Baldwin writes an entire Huffington Post blog, Prosecuting Those Responsible For Outing Valerie Plame, without once mentioning the name of the leaker---Richard Armitage. Baldwin starts out with a fantasy about the things he would do if he were play-acting as president:The fifth thing…

Bill Maher: ‘I Love America; It’s Americans I Can’t Stand

July 22nd, 2007 5:51 PM
As if allowing this anti-American Bush-hater to have his own series wasn't enough, the brilliant folks at HBO decided to give Bill Maher another comedy special to rail against all things conservative. For those on the left hoping for some truly vile attacks on the GOP, Saturday's "Bill Maher: The Decider" surely must have hit the spot. In fact, of the 60 minutes Maher was given, upwards of 40…