
Meet the Press Praises Dems for Merging ‘Terrorism and Guns Together’

June 19th, 2016 3:05 PM
The big question the Meet the Press panel tackled on Sunday was, as moderator Chuck Todd put it, “Is the gun debate changed this week?” Todd believed it had, explaining how Democrats have read the GOP’s play book on getting legislation passed, “And Democrats, for the first time, decided to merge terrorism and guns together and run with it. And it did change the rhetoric of the Republicans.”

ABC Gets Sen. Murphy to Admit His Gun Control Proposal Would Not Work

June 19th, 2016 1:06 PM
In a shocking development in the push for gun-control Sunday, Senator Chris Murphy, who filibustered for 15 hours regarding the issue, admitted on ABC’s This Week that his proposals would not have stopped any recent mass shooting. “Your proposal would have done nothing in the case of Orlando, it would have done nothing to stop the killing in San Bernardino,” stated ABC’s Jon Karl, calling out…

Rolling Stone Writer: NRA ‘Greatest Threat to Our Homeland Security’

June 19th, 2016 6:27 AM
Omar Mateen claimed at various times to be aligned with terrorist groups including ISIS, Hezbollah, and the al-Nusra Front. Tim Dickinson does not consider any of those bloodthirsty outfits “the greatest threat to our homeland security today.” That description, Dickinson argues, best fits the National Rifle Association. “The NRA's unhinged gun advocacy,” he wrote in a Wednesday article, “has…

The Media’s Bitter Clingers: Getting Guns and Christians Wrong

June 18th, 2016 4:00 PM
Well this was a disaster of a week. Another Islamic radical attack on America leaves 49 dead and 53 wounded. And like clockwork there go the bitter clingers of the media - bitterly clinging to myths about guns and Christians. The “bitter clinger” phrase, of course, originated with candidate and Senator Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential campaign when he was captured on audio tape at a San…

CNN Frets 'Conservative' FDA Ban on Gay Blood 'Added Insult to Injury'

June 17th, 2016 6:37 PM
In spite of CDC statistics documenting the dramatically higher rate of HIV infection among homosexual males in contrast with the general population -- so much so that more than 60 percent of AIDS patients are homosexual men -- CNN host Anderson Cooper and medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360 seemed befuddled at why the Obama administration FDA would bar…

NYT: Phrase 'Radical Islam' 'Offensive...Taken on Darker Connotations'

June 17th, 2016 4:40 PM
On the front of Friday’s New York Times, reporter Damien Cave profiled the city victimized by an Islamic terrorist through the eyes of a Muslim trauma doctor who helped treat the victims. Cave, hypersensitive to alleged racism on the part of Republicans, allowed his heroic Muslim doctor subject to attack both Donald Trump and American intolerance. And Max Fisher made a second attempt to explain…

Don Lemon Adamantly Denies Media Is Making Orlando About Gun Control

June 17th, 2016 4:04 PM
On his show last night, CNN’s Don Lemon lashed out at Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany for accusing the media of turning the Orlando shooting into a gun control platform. Despite evidence to the contrary from his own network, Lemon insisted that the media was not pushing an anti-gun narrative. “No, the media’s not trying the make this about guns,” he repeated twice after the McEnany said it,…

Alli & Kat: What the Media Won't Tell You About the Orlando Shooting

June 17th, 2016 2:07 PM
Last Sunday’s tragic shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub dominated the news cycle this week, but are the media telling the whole story? In the second episode of The Alli Kat Show, MRC reporters Alatheia (Alli) Nielsen and Katie (Kat) Yoder discuss the three Orlando shooting stories that have been censored by the media.

MSNBC: Dem Senators Should Seize 'Opportunity' to Push Anti-Gun Agenda

June 17th, 2016 12:39 PM
The two Democrats being hailed as heroes of the gun control filibuster, Senator Cory Booker and Senator Chris Murphy, have used MSNBC to their advantage as they prepare for a vote on the Senate floor this Monday. Thursday, Andrea Mitchell Reports featured Senator Booker, and on Friday Senator Murphy appeared on Morning Joe.  What emerged from both interviews: Republicans will not be able to face…

Gun Store Owner: CBS Lied, Broke Federal Law With Undercover Sting

June 17th, 2016 11:10 AM

CBS News, in an anti-Second Amendment story warning about how easy it is to get dangerous weapons, broke federal law with an undercover sting. That’s the claim from a gun store in Alexandria, Virginia. The Washington Free Beacon on Friday reported that SpecDive Tactical “has filed a report with the Virginia State Police and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives over concerns…

Howard Stern Blasts Gun Control With THIS Epic Rant: Don’t Be Sheep!

June 17th, 2016 9:02 AM
Talk show host Howard Stern may be socially liberal, but he’s a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, something that liberals in the media won’t be pleased with. Discussing the Orlando attack on his show, Wednesday, Stern bemoaned, “I’m so upset about Orlando and what went down, but I can’t believe these people who come out afterwards and their answer to Orlando is to take away guns from the…

NBC, CBS Declare: 'Familiar Ritual' for Obama to be 'America's Pastor'

June 17th, 2016 1:02 AM
President Barack Obama was in Orlando, Florida Thursday to pay his respects to victims of Sunday’s terrorist attack and push for more gun control in the process. And the liberal news networks were happy to aide with his agenda on their evening news programs. “It has become a familiar ritual of a current national tragedy,” lamented NBC’s Lester Holt starting off Nightly News, “The president of the…

In Chelsea Handler's World, Guns Are Awful and Terrorism Doesn't Exist

June 17th, 2016 12:37 AM
In the most recent episode of Chelsea on Netflix, “Ellen Page & Inspiring Role Models,” Chelsea Handler’s third grade teacher, Mrs. Schectman, and actress Florence Henderson were on the show because Chelsea fondly remembers their positive influence on her childhood. But the warm and uplifting message of two women who have made an impact on her life turned into a phony leftist anti-gun rant…

CBS Is SHOCKED Their Producer Can Buy AR-15 with Clean Record

June 16th, 2016 9:27 PM

To apparently demonstrate how a law abiding citizen can purchase a firearm, CBS went to a gun store in Alexandria Virginia during Thursday’s Evening News. “A CBS news producer went to a gun store in Alexandria, just outside of Washington, DC,” reported Kris van Cleave in a whispered tone as if it was a secret. And what they discovered was quite shocking to behold: