CBS’s Andy Rooney Can’t Find Anyone Who Dislikes Obama

January 26th, 2009 2:58 PM
At the end of Sunday’s 60 Minutes on CBS, commentator Andy Rooney did some of his usual thinking out loud, praising Barack Obama: "I've lived through the election of a lot of American presidents -- more than ten, I think -- and about half the people I knew at the time hated one or the other of the two candidates...Maybe I'm reading the wrong newspapers and listening to the wrong people, but I'm…

Washington Post: No Negative Obama Classifieds, But We'll Take Weird O

January 26th, 2009 10:05 AM
In mid-December, the Washington Post decided it would feature a special classifieds section on Inauguration Day in which readers could, for a fee, offer a special message to the new president. Buried within the announcement was this requirement: "All ads must be congratulatory in nature. The Washington Post reserves the right to reject any notice." However, bizarre and oddly stilted messages…

MRC’s Notable Quotables: Special Obama Inauguration Edition

January 24th, 2009 1:11 PM
Barack Obama’s inauguration was hardly a triumph of media objectivity, with reporters competing to see who could be the most adoring of the new Messiah-President. As always, the latest edition of MRC’s bi-weekly Notable Quotables newsletter has the most obnoxious liberal media quotes from the last two weeks. Here’s a sneak peek at a few of the quotes that are contained in the January 26 edition;…

Hannity's Inauguration 'Media Mash' with MRC's Tim Graham

January 24th, 2009 10:10 AM
Sean Hannity debuted his “Media Mash” segment Friday night on his FNC show with NewsBusters Senior Editor Tim Graham as the guest expert to comment on a series of clips, most familiar to NB readers, of the most sycophantic inaugural coverage. Under the “Morning Bias” heading, Hannity ran a bunch of sappy pro-Obama clips from Tuesday coverage, all of which NewsBusters has showcased: ABC Enthuses…

CNN's Brown Scolds Limbaugh for 'Outrageous...Foul'; Halperin: 'Off Ke

January 22nd, 2009 10:26 PM
CNN's Campbell Brown on Thursday night framed a panel segment around Rush Limbaugh's comment that he wishes President Obama will fail if success means implementing socialist policies, a remark she characterized as matching his usual “outrageous” outbursts and which “has a lot of people crying foul out there.” Guest Mark Halperin, editor-at-large and senior political analyst for Time magazine and…

CBS: Barack Obama, ‘Hugger in Chief

January 22nd, 2009 5:19 PM
Thursday’s CBS Early Show focused on an important aspect of the Obama Administration as co-host Julie Chen declared: " a meeting yesterday with senior White House staffers, President Obama showed a lot of love. That's right. The president is a man hugger. We counted nine man-to-man hugs." Co-host Maggie Rodriguez added: "Nothing wrong with that." Chen then asked co-host Harry Smith: "Man of…

CBS: Actor Josh Brolin ‘Waved Goodbye Happily’ to Bush

January 22nd, 2009 12:31 PM
After being nominated for an academy award on Thursday for his role in the movie ‘Milk,’ actor Josh Brolin appeared on the CBS Early Show, where co-host Maggie Rodriguez asked: " played 'W.' You were here on the show talking about it. How did it feel to see him at the inauguration? Did you feel bad for him at all?" Brolin responded: "I don't know, personally? No, I think personally, I do.…

MRC's Bozell Reacts to Obama Inaugural Coverage

January 22nd, 2009 11:08 AM

ABC Features Kids Around the World: Obama Means 'Peace' and 'Yes, We C

January 22nd, 2009 10:09 AM
ABC's World News on Wednesday night used limited news time to feature a silly piece with soundbites from naive kids around the world sputtering beauty pageant-like simplicities about how President Barack Obama will bring “world peace” and inspires them to say “yes, we can!” Reporter Jim Sciutto touted how “we heard children around the world expressing hope and fascination with the new American…

Karl Rove Documents Bush's Farewell, MSM Absent

January 22nd, 2009 10:00 AM
In addition to his regular pundit responsibilities at Fox News and sometime column in the Wall Street Journal, Karl Rove has taken it upon himself to do the job of the MSM--reporting the news.Yesterday, my colleague, Noel Sheppard, noted the lack of coverage of President George W. Bush's homecoming in Texas. Only Fox News was present to cover what was, in Sheppard's words (and I agree), "one of…

Wounded Vets Upset at Bush Insult During Vets Inaugural Ball Concert

January 22nd, 2009 10:00 AM
While performing at the inaugural ball honoring America's military veterans, some wounded vets are reported to have walked out on funk Musician George Clinton over a perceived on stage insult to George W. Bush. The Washington Times is reporting that during the Heroes Red, White and Blue Inaugural Ball a white towel with the word "[Expletive] GEORGE" spelled out on it was displayed by band…

WaPo Prints Overwrought Letter: John Roberts Oath Flub 'a Disgrace

January 21st, 2009 5:45 PM
Among the five "Scenes From an Inauguration" letters the Washington Post published from readers in its January 21 edition, one took the cake for over-the-top left-wing derangement.The letter, by one Ed Burke of Warrenton, Virginia, launched a screed at Chief Justice John Roberts, calling his mistake reciting the presidential oath for Barack Obama "a disgrace" whether it was "through design" or "…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Highlights Obama Photographer

January 21st, 2009 5:29 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS Early Show co-host Harry Smith aired an interview he did with photojournalist Scout Tufankjian, who has followed Barack Obama since 2006: "Two years and some one million photographs later, Tufankjian's first book, 'Yes We Can.' She was the only independent photojournalist to cover the Obama campaign from start to finish." Smith asked Tufankjian: "And had you ever met anybody…

Time's Klein: Obama 'Corrected' Roberts, Metaphor for Tackling Bush Bl

January 21st, 2009 5:21 PM
Time magazine columnist and Obama apologist Joe Klein opened his January 21 piece by exulting in how "stunning and cathartic" it was to hear President Barack Obama begin to recite the presidential oath of office: A man named Barack Hussein Obama is now the President of the United States. He came to us as the ultimate outsider in a nation of outsiders — the son of an African visitor and a white…