Call Girls of the NYT: Feminist Daughter of 'Very Progressive Parents

March 16th, 2008 8:07 PM
Far be it from NB to suggest any correlation between liberal political orientation and a propensity for prostitution. But in the wake of the Spitzer scandal, the New York Times has run an article profiling three call girls, and we couldn't help but look for telltale signs of their politics. There were no particular hints regarding one of the ladies. But as for the other two . . . well, let's say…

AP Hypocritical on Photo Copyrights

March 14th, 2008 10:18 PM
On Monday, the same morning that the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal broke, Bob Owens at Confederate Yankee posted an e-mail from the Associated Press which explained the newswire's policy against blogs using AP photos. The long and short of it: unless you have a license from AP, you're violating copyright to use an AP photo. But today, blogger Jules Crittenden informed me, the AP is…

Geraldo Loved Bill Clinton, But Spitzer's 'Another Horny Hypocrite

March 14th, 2008 6:09 PM

Reuters: The Ginger Rogers of Syndicated News

March 14th, 2008 12:16 PM
Like Colored and MindedThis is past a bit ridiculous, is it not?Agence France-Presse (AFP) yesterday disseminated to its client list a headline and photograph caption labeling sex scandalized and self-ousted New York Governor Eliot Spitzer an (R), when he is in fact a (D) -- emocrat.They then responded -- to correspondence on the subject of their error and the error itself -- rather meekly.AFP…

AFP FINALLY Corrects Their Labeling of Spitzer as an (R) -- Big Deal

March 14th, 2008 11:08 AM
Not Minding Their Ps & QsWe on Thursday brought you the Agence France-Presse (AFP)'s ludicrous labeling of self-ousted New York Governor Eliot Spitzer as an (R). This after a week's worth of the Gong Show Media's failure or utter refusal to ascribe any Party affiliation to the man.Well, we have heard word from the horse's ... mouth. DScott, an intrepid NewsBusters participant, contacted AFP…

Hell Freezes Over? NBC Finally Calls Spitzer 'Democratic Governor

March 13th, 2008 8:27 PM
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, substitute NBC Nightly News anchor Ann Curry and reporter Mike Taibbi failed to identify disgraced outgoing New York Governor Eliot Spitzer as a Democrat, but on Thursday night Curry finally informed NBC viewers of the party affiliation -- a fact network journalists always consider relevant when a Republican gets caught in scandalous behavior. Curry set up a…

The Media FINALLY Label Spitzer ... Oh Wait

March 13th, 2008 4:31 PM
From the ridiculous to the absurd Contemplating the SwitchThose of us who have been participating in the Eliot Spitzer Media Waiting Game -- halting our respitory activity in anticipation of the Jurassic Press actually ascribing Party affiliation to the recently resigned Big Apple Governor -- can finally breathe easy.The Agence-France Presse and Yahoo! have teamed up to finally do what's right.…

Joy Behar: 'Everybody Is a Whore

March 13th, 2008 1:38 PM
Everyone is a whore according to "View" panelist Joy Behar. Discussing the identity of Governor Eliot Spitzer’s call girl, Ashley Alexandra Dupre, Behar appeared sympathetic and portrayed the woman as a victim. Later in the show, in conversing about former "American Idol" contestant David Hernandez’s alleged background as a stripper, Behar hypothesized that "everybody is a whore, a little bit."…

'Today' Double Standard: Sex Scandals Only Hurt Republicans

March 13th, 2008 11:08 AM
On Thursday's "Today" show when co-host Meredith Vieira asked NBC's Washington bureau chief Tim Russert if there would be any "fallout for the Democrats" from the Spitzer scandal, Russert asserted: "Probably not....that story pretty much leaves the front pages."However, last year, when Senate Republicans David Vitter and Larry Craig were in the news for sex scandals the "Today" show wasn't so…

ABC Finally IDs Spitzer as Democrat, NBC Fails to for Third Night

March 13th, 2008 2:10 AM
For the third evening in a row Wednesday, the NBC Nightly News refused to identify Eliot Spitzer as a Democrat, but after ABC's World News failed to cite his party affiliation on Monday and Tuesday night when Elizabeth Vargas anchored, on Wednesday evening substitute anchor George Stephanopoulos finally properly tagged him: “The Democrat resigned today just two days after reports that he…

'Today' Continues Embargo on Spitzer Party Affiliation

March 12th, 2008 5:14 PM
For the second consecutive day NBC's "Today" show refused to identify Eliot Spitzer as a Democrat. In a total of seven Spitzer-related segments on Wednesday’s "Today" show and one interview with Barack Obama, where the scandal was mentioned, not one anchor, reporter, guest, talking head or on-screen graphic mentioned Spitzer's party affiliation. However, following the trend on NBC's Nightly News…

Essay: Eliot Spitzer – A Man Without A Party

March 12th, 2008 1:04 PM
Democrats dialing for damsels don't get labeled with the big "D" Changing His MindRonald Reagan often said "I did not leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me." For floundering and foundering New York Governor Eliot Spitzer -- a twist on the Gipper's words. Spitzer didn't leave the Democratic Party: the Media just didn't see the need to mention the fact that Spitzer was…

Small Cable News Channel Notes Spitzer Dem Affiliation During Resignat

March 12th, 2008 12:10 PM

CNN Apologizes for Spitzer Analyst Who Attacked Topless Dancer in

March 12th, 2008 11:49 AM
Maybe it takes one to know one, but CNN is nonetheless a little red in the face over the gaffe of turning to a man with a troubled past in "adult entertainment" -- so to speak -- as an analyst for the Elliot Spitzer prostitution story. CNN has apologized for offering up as an analyst one Kendall Coffey, a fellow who had to resign as a U.S. attorney over an incident in 1996 when he attacked a…