
Fox Highlights Illegal Alien Repeat Offender in New York, Not Deported

March 17th, 2024 8:58 AM

Earlier in the week, Fox News highlighted an example of how far the New York City has fallen in taking violent crime seriously as the network informed viewers of an illegal immigrant who has repeatedly been arrested for assaulting women but has been neither deported, nor sentenced to significant time in prison.


Chris Hayes Cherrypicks Migrant Crime Stories In Failed Fake Debunking

March 13th, 2024 1:20 AM

You can tell exactly how damaging the migrant crime narrative is to the left, the media, and the Biden campaign (pardon the redundancies), by the intensity with which the media try to squash it. The latest such instance comes via, of course, MSNBC- specifically, host Chris Hayes.


NBC Frets End of FL Spring Break Chaos Is ‘Devastating for Business’

March 11th, 2024 1:10 PM

Like the rest of the liberal media, NBC News was a reliable ally over and over again for the pro-lockdown crowd during the coronavirus pandemic, but as we saw on Monday’s Today, the network believes something entirely different when it comes to common sense law enforcement measures during spring break in South Florida to counter what had been years of chaos and violence.


CNN Host Boris Sanchez Tries to Downplay Border Worsening Under Biden

March 8th, 2024 9:06 PM

On Thursday afternoon, CNN anchor Boris Sanchez tried to spin to defend the Joe Biden administration's handling of the border as he and Congressman Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) got into a debate while discussing what to expect from the President's State of the Union address.


Behold, the WILDEST Quotes on MSNBC’s Super Tuesday Primetime Coverage

March 6th, 2024 6:44 PM

MSNBC had special Super Tuesday coverage all night (and overnight) of the rather perfunctory results, leaving the cast of far-left sycophants and psychopaths with a lot of down time. In just five hours, MSNBC mocked illegal immigration as a concern for voters, condescendingly claimed “migrant crime is not a thing”, argued Republicans vote based on race to hurt people of color, fawned over…


Doocy, Lawrence Battle KJP on Laken Riley’s Murder, Biden’s Notecards

March 6th, 2024 10:53 AM

Despite the political world being focused Tuesday on the slew of presidential primaries, there was still a White House press briefing and, thankfully, Fox’s Peter Doocy and Fox Business’s Edward Lawrence were there to hold the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre to account on the border, inflation, Laken Riley’s murder, and President Biden’s growing need for notecards to function.


Nets Hail Biden’s ‘Olive Branch’, Sneer at Trump ‘Exploiting’ Border

March 1st, 2024 10:48 PM

With ABC, CBS, and NBC fresh off of their pathetic display of obsequiousness on behalf of President Biden after his 2024 physical, they remained affixed to being the apple of the Biden regime’s eye as, between Thursday night and Friday morning, they hailed Biden demanding the GOP “put border security above politics” and extending an “olive branch” to Donald Trump despite his attempts to…


PBS Takes On Fox, Liberal Prof Says You Can't Link Illegals to Crime

February 29th, 2024 3:46 PM

Tuesday evening’s PBS NewsHour covered last week’s brutal murder of a college student by an illegal immigrant on the campus of the University of Georgia. It began factually but descended into typical PBS left-wing apologia -- funded by taxpayers like you. The NewsHour aired tributes from the president of her sorority, then summarized the case in a forthright manner. But then…


MSNBC Tees Up Grieving Dad on NRA's LaPierre: 'Hope He Rots in Hell'

February 28th, 2024 5:12 PM

On Saturday afternoon, MSNBC host Katie Phang allowed liberal activist Fred Guttenberg to indulge in a hateful rant against the NRA and Donald Trump supporters as he declared that he hopes that former NRA head Wayne LaPierre "rots in hell."

Former NYT Editor Behind Cotton Op-Ed Brings Receipts in EPIC Tell-All

February 26th, 2024 5:31 PM

After nearly four years of relative silence, former New York Times op-ed editor Adam Rubenstein sounded off Monday morning in a lengthy essay at The Atlantic about the embarrassing, pathetic, and disturbing episode from June 2020 in which Rubenstein was pushed out over the paper's publication of Senator Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) infamous op-ed calling for using the military to…


CNN Host Pushes Michael Moore to Accuse Israel of Genocide in Gaza

February 25th, 2024 10:59 PM

On Friday's CNN NewsNight, host Abby Phillip gave a forum to far-left film maker Michael Moore to comment on the presidential race, leading him to accuse the Israel of committing "genocide" in Gaza, preposterously alleging that the Palestinians are being killed because of the "color of their skin."


Fox Reveals Murder Suspect Is Illegal Alien, Paroled Under Biden

February 25th, 2024 8:25 AM

After the other networks mostly failed to inform viewers that an illegal alien was arrested for allegedly murdering a young nursing student in Georgia, Fox on Saturday gave the story thorough coverage, informing viewers that the Joe Biden administration had released the Venezuelan national after he crossed the southern border into the U.S. illegally in 2022.


NBC, CBS Ignore Student's Alleged Murderer Is An Illegal Immigrant

February 24th, 2024 2:00 PM

The big three networks of ABC, NBC, and CBS had three underwhelming, yet widely varying approaches to the news that a released illegal immigrant has been charged with the murder of a Georgia college student on the respective editions of Good Morning America, Today and CBS Saturday Mornings. ABC mentioned the illegal immigrant part, but not the released part. NBC…

ICK: PBS Marks Black History Month by Lauding Cop Killer Assata Shakur

February 21st, 2024 8:19 AM

Your tax dollars at work -- to laud violent Marxism and a cop killer for Black History Month. PBS News Weekend on Sunday devoted its semi-weekly “Hidden Histories” segment to praise the militant Marxist-black power group the Black Panther Party, founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland. His Rutgers professor guest Donna Murch valorized left-wing heroine and cop killer, Assata…