Mother Jones’ David Corn Says BP Oil Spill Great for Democrats

June 22nd, 2010 10:38 AM
The BP oil spill - millions of gallons of oil leaked into the Gulf of Mexico, coastal businesses from Houston to Tampa shuttered, the potential for higher energy costs across the country and untold ecological damage. But according to Mother Jones magazine's David Corn, there is a silver-lining in all of this - that is, if you're a Democrat.  MSNBC's June 21 "Countdown with Keith Olbermann"…

Scarborough Rips 'Cheeto' Chomping Bloggers For Criticizing Mika

June 22nd, 2010 7:01 AM
Yesterday, Joe Scarborough and Jack Welch ribbed Mika Brzezinski for her reading of White House talking points on the oil spill.  But after bloggers including this one reported Mika's admission that she was "working with the White House" on the matter, Scarborough has this morning gone all Sir Galahad.  The Morning Joe host said he wasn't going to "call them names," but then proceeded to…

CBS Poll Finds Tough Numbers for Obama on Oil Leak, But Couric Hides T

June 21st, 2010 9:26 PM
Katie Couric opened Monday's CBS Evening News by touting how “in a CBS News/New York Times poll out tonight, 43 percent of Americans approve of President Obama's handling of the spill. Only 13 percent approve of BP's efforts.” She offered no further details, such as how 47 percent disapprove of Obama's performance, and only those checking would realize the selectivity in the…

Fact Check Fail: Think Progress Cherry-Picks Evidence for Anti-Palin

June 21st, 2010 6:14 PM
Usually when you see something on the Center for American Progress' Think Progress blog, you ignore it (or at best take it with a grain of salt) because you know its fundamental objective is to score some inane point against conservatives or the Republican Party. But a June 21 post by Tanya Somanader, categorized as "Radical Right-Wing Agenda" was too hard to let go. In her post, "Fact Checking…

CBS Fawns Over Pay Czar Feinberg: He Speaks With 'Moral Authority' and

June 21st, 2010 5:20 PM
On the June 20th edition of Sunday Morning, CBS reporter Richard Schlesinger conducted a glowing interview with pay czar Kenneth Feinberg, lauding him as someone who speaks with "moral authority" and who has "become an expert assessor of the value of life itself." Feinberg, who will now be in charge of distributing the $20 billion BP has pledged for the oil spill, previously worked with President…

Political Cartoon: Satellite Reveals Stunning Scope of the Gulf Oil Sl

June 21st, 2010 4:39 PM
Managing Editor's Note: I saw this earlier today on RedState and asked the artist for permission to republish here. You can check out more of Toby Dials's work at and follow him on Twitter here.

Network Morning Shows Rage Against BP CEO's Yachting Trip, Ignore Obam

June 21st, 2010 12:40 PM
All three morning shows on Monday railed against BP CEO Tony Hayward for attending a yachting race in England on Saturday, but they found no such anger for Barack Obama's golf outing on the same day, ignoring the story. The pattern was nearly identical on Sunday, with only Good Morning America briefly mentioning the President's recreational activities. On Monday's Early Show, Katie Couric…

Mika Admits: I'm 'Working With White House' On Oil Spill Talking Point

June 21st, 2010 8:56 AM
Cut out the middle-woman and install Obama's teleprompter on the Morning Joe set . . . Give her high marks for candor: on today's show, Mika Brzezinski admitted that she has been "working with the White House" on oil spill talking points.  But that still leaves the issue of the journalistic propriety of someone in Brzezinski's position serving as such a blatant shill for the president.  H/t tip…

AP Writers Criticize Foreign Oil Spill Aid Offers Because (Gasp!) They

June 20th, 2010 11:28 PM
A Friday report by reporters Matthew Lee and Eileen Sullivan indicates that there is a serious shortage of critical thinking skills over at the Associated Press, or a serious desire to run interference for the Obama administration no matter how ignorant doing so makes the wire service's reporters appear.Lee and Sullivan try to excuse the State Department's inaction on the vast majority of roughly…

Sunday Talk Shows All Start With BP Hayward's Yachting, Ignore Obama's

June 20th, 2010 9:51 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, America's media on Saturday had a collective hissy fit over BP CEO Tony Hayward having the nerve to participate in a yacht race on his day off.At the same time, no such outrage was expressed concerning President Obama and Vice President Biden going golfing.This double standard continued Sunday as the three broadcast network political talk shows all began with…

Cynthia Tucker: Americans Are The Enemy Due To Oil 'Addiction

June 20th, 2010 7:52 PM
Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Cynthia Tucker believes Americans are the enemy of the nation moving in a new energy direction because of what she called our addiction to oil.As the discussion on this weekend's "The Chris Matthews Show" moved to why President Obama hasn't attacked energy policy much like Eisenhower did the space program, Tucker said, "One of the differences between the '50's…

NYT Defends Obama From Critics: Nobody Listens To Pundits Anymore

June 20th, 2010 2:11 PM
New York Times writer Adam Nagourney asked an interesting question Sunday: "Does It Matter if Obama Loses the Pundits?"The question was precipitated by the President's abysmal performance in his Tuesday Gulf Coast oil spill address and, in particular, how media members on both sides of the aisle gave him pretty poor grades.Finding this obviously inconvenient, Nagourney set out to defend Obama…

In the Best of Hands (Not): Even AP's Borenstein Sees Problems With Ob

June 20th, 2010 10:36 AM
The presidential commission tasked with investigating the BP oil spill is so short on technical expertise and packed with left-leaning politicians and knee-jerk environmentalists that even the Associated Press's resident ClimateGate apologist Seth Borenstein is concerned. On December 12, 2009, over two weeks after the ClimateGate e-mails first appeared, Borenstein wrote that "the exchanges don't…

Evening OT: If Bush Was Handling Oil Spill Like Obama He'd Be Impeache

June 19th, 2010 7:57 PM