Hollywood's Top Political Donor in 2013 Gave to...Republicans

August 5th, 2013 10:23 AM
NewsBusters frequently reports Hollywood's finest supporting liberal politicians and causes. Yet a new study by the Center for Responsive Politics published by The Wrap Sunday found that the top political donors in showbiz so far this year are Florida music producer Bill Edwards and his wife Joanne who gave $164,800 to - hold on to your seats - Republicans.

Bob Schieffer to Paul Ryan: Can GOP Survive Without Immigration Reform

August 4th, 2013 2:35 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, the liberal media have been for months making the case that the Republican Party is doomed if an immigration reform bill isn't enacted. A fine example is CBS Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer who on Sunday actually asked Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) - with a little bit of a chuckle no less! - "Can your party survive as a major political party if you don'…

Bill Maher Asks 'Rich Liberals' Jay Z, Oprah and Spielberg to 'Buy a S

August 3rd, 2013 1:03 PM
Bill Maher is very unhappy that rich conservatives are having an impact on politics. With this in mind, HBO’s Real Time host on Friday encouraged "rich liberals" such as guest Jay Z, Oprah Winfrey, and Steven Spielberg to "get in the game," “pony up” and “buy a state” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC Panel Pines for Ongoing Christie-Paul Feud: '2016 Republican Clo

July 31st, 2013 4:49 PM
Earlier this afternoon, my NewsBusters colleague Kyle Drennen highlighted the Today show’s effort to hype the recent feud between Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). Unsurprisingly, the folks at MSNBC were even more eager to blow the dispute out of proportion – and to predict a nasty fight between Republicans in 2016. Now host Alex Wagner kicked off a gleeful Wednesday…

Terry McAuliffe Isn't an Unethical Businessman, He's 'Laid-back' and

July 29th, 2013 8:21 AM

The Washington Post seems alarmed at the feel of Terry McAuliffe’s Democratic campaign for governor of Virginia, with its reporter writing “the most striking feature at many of McAuliffe’s appearances may be the almost studied absence of a campaign.” So you have to laugh when the headline on Page One is “As politicians go, McAuliffe is laid-back on Va. bid.” Inside the paper, the headline was…

WashPost Continues Attack on Va. GOP's Jackson, Buries Story on Dem Lt

June 3rd, 2013 4:15 PM
The Washington Post’s continued interest with Rev. E.W. Jackson, the Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor in Virginia, has entered into obsession territory. On Monday June 3, the Post ran another front-page story in the Metro section attempting to show controversy between Jackson and the GOP candidate for governor, Ken Cuccinelli over whether Cuccinelli suggested to Jackson that he run…

PBS's Bellantoni Sees 'Very Conservative' Cuccinelli, 'Fighting Agains

May 28th, 2013 7:03 PM
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, PBS's Christina Bellantoni labeled Virginia Republican gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli as "very conservative," but, when discussing presumptive Democratic nominee and former DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe, the PBS NewsHour political editor did not include a liberal ideological label. Additionally, as she recounted…

MSNBC Dutifully Demonizes Conservative Black GOP Politician: ‘He Mig

May 20th, 2013 1:08 PM
Now that the race for Virginia’s next governor has kicked into high gear, NBC News’ Chief White House Correspondent has decided to be partisan and sharply criticized the Republican ticket. On his May 20 edition of The Daily Rundown, the MSNBC anchor hammered the GOP’s nominee for Virginia Lieutenant Governor, African-American pastor E.W. Jackson, as extreme and someone who “might make Todd…

WashPost In Pain: Their Poll Finds Conservative Cuccinelli Leads for V

May 5th, 2013 2:21 PM
The Washington Post put a poll it doesn’t like on the front of Sunday’s paper: Six months before Election Day in the Virginia gubernatorial race, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli “has a slender 46 to 41 percent edge over [Terry] McAuliffe (D) among all Virginia voters and a significant 51 to 41 percent lead among those who say they’re certain to cast ballots in November.” The Post has tried…

Low Blow: Daily Beast's Tomasky Attacks GOP Governor As ‘Sleazy Chr

May 2nd, 2013 11:03 AM
Hard-left Daily Beast writer Michael Tomasky has a nasty habit of smearing conservatives every chance he gets, and it seems he has found his newest target, Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-Va.).  Writing in a May 1 piece for the online publication Tomasky used the FBI investigation over gifts McDonnell received for his daughter’s wedding to slam the Virginia governor's Christian faith.  Tomasky started…

WashPost Devotes 24 Paragraphs to Defending Va. Democrats Writing Off

April 17th, 2013 3:40 PM
The liberal media love to chastise Republicans for  writing off minorities and urban voters, insisting that the GOP is becoming a regional and largely rural party. But that concern trolling doesn't cut both ways. The liberal media never seem to care that Democrats are losing rural, blue collar workers or that the party's failure to be competitive in the rural heartland is an indictment of their…

Washington Free Beacon Scoop Spurs WashPost Double Standard on Slavery

March 22nd, 2013 8:34 AM
On Thursday, The Washington Post's Metro section put the Democrats' choice of “news” on the front page. “Democrats keep focus on abortion in Va. Race.” Post reporter Laura Vozzella relayed their outrage that GOP gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli was caught by a Democrat tracker describing abortion as a moral evil like slavery, as did one of his big financial backers, the Susan B. Anthony…

Liberal MSNBC Panel: GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Cuccinelli 'a Troglo

March 5th, 2013 3:19 PM
In what appears to be a daily theme on MSNBC, the liberal network seems to find new ways to smear the Republican Party.  The latest example from the liberal network was on the March 5 Now w/ Alex Wagner on March 5, when the all-liberal panel took to smearing Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R-Va.) on his bid to be the next Governor of the Commonwealth.  The liberal panel, including host and…

NYT: Republican Cuccinelli Is Controversial in Virginia Gov. Race, but

March 1st, 2013 8:47 AM
In "G.O.P.'s Ideological Split Appears in Virginia Governor's Race," New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel saw a controversial candidate on one side of the Virginia governor's race -- Republican candidate Kenneth Cuccinelli, Virginia's attorney general, who has support in the Tea Party and social conservative wings of the party. His likely Democratic opponent? Terry McAuliffe, former chairman…