
Bouie: Trump Backers Symbolize ‘Racial Resentment' Toward Obama

December 13th, 2015 1:19 PM
Discussing a focus group of Trump supporters convened by Frank Luntz that aired on Sunday’s Face the Nation, CBS News political analyst Jamelle Bouie promptly trashed them as representing the belief among social scientists (i.e. fellow liberals) that there’s been “a distinct rise in racial resentment and anti-black attitudes” in America resulting as a fact of the Obama presidency.

Blogger: Thanks to Palin, GOP Now ‘A Post-Truth Party’

November 27th, 2015 11:56 PM
In the race for next year’s Republican presidential nomination, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have made media bias an issue, as did Newt Gingrich during the 2012 contest. Irony alert: Martin Longman believes that it was one of the media’s favorite GOPers, John McCain, who planted the seeds for such press-bashing when he chose his  running mate. Longman contended in a Wednesday post that “something…

Matthews, Michele Bachmann Exchange Notes On Photographic Media Bias

November 10th, 2015 8:55 PM
At the end of an interview segment tonight on Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews and former Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) traded stories about their brushes with journalists who used goofy-looking photos of them as cover art to adorn magazine profiles.

IBD Fights Back As Politico and MSNBC's Scarborough Smear Its Polls

November 10th, 2015 10:23 AM
The folks at Investor's Business Daily are more than a little tired of seeing their IBD/TIPP (TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics) polls smeared by establishment press publications and pundits. No similar torrent of criticism has been directed at other polls which have been horribly inaccurate predictors of actual election outcomes. A large majority of them seriously and oh-so-…

Chris Matthews Lectures About Accuracy In Memoirs

November 9th, 2015 10:06 PM
Discussing media scrutiny over unsubstantiated claims that Dr. Ben Carson has made in his memoirs, Hardball host Chris Matthews pontificated about the importance of fact-checking one's own book to make sure everything is kosher. But where was he when the veracity of President Obama's memoirs was brought up in 2012?

New Republic Writer: Conservatives Increasingly Like a ‘Sect’

November 4th, 2015 9:14 PM
“Cocooning” in the sense of staying at home rather than going out is not a political term, but Jeet Heer suggests that conservatives are prone to a sort of ideological cocooning, eschewing non-conservative media to the point that it can be hard for them to “engage with reality at all.” In a Wednesday article, Heer argued, “Distrusting the mainstream media as too liberal and putting their trust…

CNBC's Harwood Fondly Remembers ‘Ending’ Rick Perry’s Presidential Bid

October 27th, 2015 2:47 PM
On her Tuesday MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell reminisced over CNBC’s Washington correspondent John Harwood tripping up Rick Perry during a 2011 Republican presidential debate. After playing a clip of the infamous “oops” moment, Mitchell turned to Harwood and proclaimed: “John, what are you doing when you're not ending people's presidential candidate's race? I mean, that was a memorable moment.”

AP Hides Hillary's Smoking-Gun Benghazi Admission to Chelsea

October 25th, 2015 12:45 PM
Those folks at the Associated Press sure are "clever." Those looking for information about Hillary Clinton's damning email to her daughter Chelsea indicating that Mrs. Clinton knew that a planned operation by Al Qaeda — and not an Internet video — was behind the Benghazi attacks which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others trying to save him will find nothing at all at the AP's…

As Russians Bomb, Envoy Declares Obama's Syria Policy Is Working

October 8th, 2015 5:15 PM
It seems more than fair to say that establishment press coverage of the deteriorating situation in Syria has been much lighter than what we'd see if a Republican or conservatives was in the Oval Office. Additionally, what has been reported in the admittedly complicated situation has been confusing at best and misleading at worst. There was a moment of disconcerting clarity today which, if…

Wilmore Hits Obama 'Near-Sighted Snobbery' of Mocking Romney on Russia

October 2nd, 2015 1:21 AM
On Thursday's The Nightly Show on Comedy Central, host Larry Wilmore skewered President Barack Obama in the aftermath of Russia undermining the President's Syria policy by bombing the Syrian rebels Obama has been supporting. The Comedy Central host reminded viewers that Obama had mocked Mitt Romney in 2012 when the GOP presidential candidate warned that Russia would be one of America's…

Press Ignoring Conflicts of Interest Exposed in CBS Benghazi Coverage

September 30th, 2015 11:59 PM
Apparently, the establishment press is waiting for its marching orders on how to handle what an Investor's Business Daily editorial has already called a "scandal." This one's a joint effort involving Hillary Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal, a recently deceased former CIA operative named Tyler Drumheller who worked with Blumenthal — and CBS News. As Mark Hemingway at the Weekly Standard reported…

Pictures Tell the Story: NBC Overhyped Anti-Trump Protest Numbers

September 16th, 2015 10:09 AM

The number of protesters present at GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's speech yesterday on board the USS Iowa is in dispute. Those who are claiming that there were "hundreds" of protesters are, from all appearances, greatly exaggerating their numbers. The Associated Press has been known in the past to overestimate leftist protesters' turnout at such events. AP reporter Steve Peoples was…

WashPost Blogger Wants Maddow to be CEO of GOP Debates

September 12th, 2015 10:23 AM
Washington Post media blogger Erik Wemple and his website handlers tried this clickbait headline on Friday: “We nominate Rachel Maddow for CEO, Republican presidential debates.” Why? Wemple is impressed that Maddow is now trashing CNN like she trashed Fox for how they selected the tiers of Republican debaters, specifically CNN now adding in Carly Fiorina (and Chris Christie) for an eleven-…

Politifact: 'Pants on Fire' To Reid For '30%' Planned Parenthood Lie

August 5th, 2015 10:21 PM
Call the "Ripley's Believe It or Not" people. Politifact, the alleged fact-checking site which has for years almost invariably insisted on calling obvious truths stated by Republicans and conservatives "Half True" at best and often worse, while taking flat-out lies by leftists and pretending they contain some element of truth, has issued a "Pants on Fire" rating on Senate Minority Leader Harry…