Free Beacon Gives Ben Collins an Award for Getting Paid to Sit 'On His Ass'

January 1st, 2024 4:07 PM

There's one journalism award NBC "disinformation" specialist Ben Collins didn't want in 2023. That would be a "Man of the Year" award from the Washington Free Beacon. In June, Collins won a Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Political Journalism from the Annenberg School at the University of Southern California.  

After an attempt at humility, thanking NBC bosses for "putting on TV when I shouldn't have been," he uncorked one of those "We Are Stewards of the Truth" speeches, where the conservative side is Lies and the liberal side is Truth, and you can't allow any Lies. Collins also has denied there's any censorship of conservatives.

A year ago, NBC suspended Collins from TV for being hyper-negative about Elon Musk's Twitter and the Twitter Files reporting, and it almost feels like he's still suspended. “We’re no fans of socialism here at the Washington Free Beacon, but the idea of sitting on your ass all day and letting the cash roll in is the kind of European tradition we can get behind. And no one did it better this year than NBC reporter Ben Collins."

The mockery continued:

As of this writing, Ben has not filed a story in 78 days [now it's 91 days]. Before then, he published a roughly 400-word piece entitled “Fake Picture of Explosion at Pentagon Spooks Twitter” in May. In total, Collins only wrote four stories where his name was the only bylined author (another of which was called “Cat and Dog Torture Videos Litter Twitter, Adding to Concerns About Moderation”—the Free Beacon could not confirm any sightings of these videos).

We’re told Ben is still employed at NBC, although none of his colleagues we spoke with seemed to have any idea what he does other than cry on Twitter all day. But the joke’s on them: Ben is still getting paid.

At some point this year Ben’s beat changed from “disinformation” to “investigations.” So far he hasn’t broken the next Pentagon Papers, but his liberal sugar daddies at Comcast Corporation don’t seem to mind.

After noting that Collins had professed to be considering leaving journalism even though he didn’t “have skills or family connections or money or anything,” the Beacon concluded by suggesting he remain right were he is.

“We don’t know about Ben’s family or personal finances, but we certainly can’t disagree about his lack of skills. But for someone with absolutely no ability, Ben has found the perfect gig,” it declared. “Don’t give up Ben, you have a whole lot of nothing to look forward to. Only now, when you do nothing, you’ll do it as a Free Beacon Man of the Year.”