Sappy for Socialism: CNN Promotes Bernie-Bro Ice Cream

August 5th, 2019 7:38 AM

CNN likes to portray itself as the Holding Government Accountable network, but when it comes to socialists running for president, it looks more like the Publicity Tool network. For some reason, CNN Politics reporters Ryan Nobles and Michelle Lou -- it took two people for this? -- promoted a new ice cream flavor promoting Bernie Sanders for President. It began: 

Ever wondered what wealth inequality tastes like?

The founders of Ben & Jerry's claim to have the answer, and they've put it inside a new flavor called "Bernie's Back." The hot cinnamon ice cream includes "one very large chocolate disc on top and a (very stiff) butter toffee backbone going down the middle," according to Sanders' campaign website.

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, longtime supporters of US Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, created the flavor in honor of the presidential contender's 2020 campaign.

"The chocolate disc represents all the wealth that has risen to the top 1%," the website said. "The backbone represents Bernie's steadfast determination to un-rig our economy. And the hot cinnamon is our political revolution holding politicians' feet to the fire to make America work for working people of all races and genders."

Many will remember when CNN was scandalized by ice cream -- that Donald Trump gets two scoops with his pie, when everyone else only gets one. 

Ben and Jerry sold their ice cream company, so this is just a tiny run of a "Ben's Best" brand. In other words, it's only for the publicity...but CNN is willing to promote it. It says "Vermont's Finest Senator" on it, which is quite a diss to Sen. Patrick Leahy. CNN's publicists lamented: "Unfortunately, you probably won't be able to buy a pint in stores as they are making a limited amount. Sanders' campaign is offering 40 people a chance to win a pint signed by Cohen and Greenfield from now until August 9."

Forty pints? That's it. CNN noted Cohen made 40 pints of a flavor called "Bernie's Yearning" in 2016. It's the same stunt, but CNN posts it on the Internet as "news." Cohen tweeted he will become Bernie's "Minister of Ice Cream" when they win:

This is just the first in a full line of Bernie flavors. We’re going all the way this time. And when Bernie’s in the White House and I become the Minister of Ice Cream— a pint in every freezer, a sundae in every bowl.  #BerniesBack #Bernie2020 #FeelTheBern