Bob Woodward Envisions Mt. Rushmore With Clintons: Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea

May 18th, 2016 8:30 AM

Mount Rushmore has become an ongoing reference to historical greatness. GQ editor Jim Nelson recently proclaimed Barack Obama was “Mount Rushmore great.” In 1991, as the Soviet Union collapsed, NBC reporter Jim Maceda gushed its last dictator Mikhail Gorbachev deserved a place on Mount Rushmore.

Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner reports that Washington Post bigwig Bob Woodward envisions Bill, Hillary, and even Chelsea Clinton on Mount Rushmore, at least in their minds. That’s a story he tells on the hustings.

One story in his arsenal is about Hillary Rodham Clinton's reaction to former President George W. Bush telling Woodward that he doesn't think about his legacy. "History, we won't know. We'll all be dead," Bush said.

Woodward told a National Association of Realtors meeting that Clinton was irked by those words, suggesting she would be more in control of her biography.

"George Washington would never think and talk like that. Thomas Jefferson would never think and talk like that. Bill [Clinton] would never think and talk like that," she told Woodward, smacking her fist into her palm.

Woodward's reaction: "I remember thinking the 'new Mount Rushmore. Washington, Jefferson, Bill, Hillary, Chelsea.' You know, you don't know, we're all going to be dead."