Katie Couric Bravely Takes On Toucan Sam and the Trix Rabbit

November 2nd, 2009 1:01 PM

CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric really knows how to take on the villains in American society -- like Toucan Sam and the Trix Rabbit. In her latest "Katie Couric's Notebook" commentary (the day before Halloween), Couric railed against advertising for sugary cereals: "Don't let a bunny or a tucan [sic] take over your parenting role."

Froot Loops, Cookie Crisp, Reese's Puffs – almost got a cavity just reading that. Yet, they're the kinds of sugary cereals children beg for at the grocery store.

The boxes and TV ads usually have a colorful cartoon character on them. But, one group of researchers is not amused.

The Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity at Yale University reports that cereal companies spend more than $156 million a year on ads geared for kids. At a time when 12 percent of U.S. children from ages 2 to 5 are considered obese - along with 17 percent of kids 6 to 11 -- this problem is anything but sweet.

All parents have been there in that grocery aisle -- having to decide between what the kids want and what you know is better for them.

But maybe some oatmeal for your Little Miss Sweet Tooth can help her avoid big health issues in the future.

Don't let a bunny or a tucan [sic] take over your parenting role. Tell them you are coo coo [sic] for good nutrition, not for Cocoa Puffs.

Couric seems to be supporting abstinence education -- at least for sugary cereals. On December 30, 2008, Katie in her Notebook attacked the Bush administration's funding of abstinence-based sex education for teens, charging it failed to lower teen sex levels, but increased the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. She suggested it's unrealistic to "just say no" when educators should just be spreading the "facts."