NRO Buzz: Leahy, Senate Judiciary Dems To Investigate Laura Ingraham?

November 16th, 2006 11:10 AM

Talk-radio hosts warned before the election that a Democratic takeover could mean a real legislative push-around of conservative talk radio. It could be happening. On The Corner at National Review Online this morning, Kathryn Jean Lopez reports, "A Senate source tells me : At a civil rts enforcement hearing, after botching her name several times, leahy is asking whether the administration would investigate Laura Ingraham encouraging listeners to jam phone lines set up by dems to report election day abuses".

The Daily Kosmonauts were in full cry about Ingraham doing something 'VERY ILLEGAL ON AIR.'  The "ThinkProgress" Clintonistas put up the transcript here. It's interesting to know how the Democrats may feel very much indebted to their Kosmonaut/ funders....

Lopez then added an e-mail to her: "Yes, drag Laura Ingraham up there. If we auctioned off the seats we could balance the budget. Can you imagine!"