After Mentioning Trump, Time Mag Wonders About Hitler, Joe McCarthy’s Rise to Power

April 11th, 2018 5:41 PM

Madeleine Albright continued her media blitz for a new book worrying that Donald Trump could turn America into a fascist state in the style of Hitler. She talked to Time magazine’s website on Wednesday.

Noting that the former Secretary of State under Bill Clinton has gone back and forth on the threat of Trump, journalist Lily Rothman said of new fascist leaders: “More of them fall under the heading of ‘antidemocratic,’ as she dubs President Donald Trump. But Albright knows that fascism doesn’t spread overnight.” 

Happy to tout the fascist danger, Rothman compared: 

You write about how radio helped Hitler’s rise to power and then how Joseph McCarthy was also helped by the media coverage he got. How do you see the role of the media in today’s situation?

The journalist worried: “Do you have any guesses about how living through this moment in time will affect the way future leaders make decisions?” At no time did Rothman wonder if this fascist comparison might be ridiculous or over the top. 

On Tuesday’s CBS This Morning, co-host Norah O’Donnell quoted Albright's book Fascism: “If we think of fascism as a wound from the past that had almost healed, putting Trump in the White House was like ripping off the bandage and picking at the scab.” 

Yet, she allowed Albright to pretend she wasn’t comparing Trump to fascist dictators. It was left to the women of The View (also on Tuesday) to state the obvious: “Why is former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright warning that President Trump could turn America into a fascist country?”
Apparently, if you are a liberal, you can compare your political opponents to Hitler types with little push back.