FLASHBACK: Before Bidenflation, Media Championed High Gas Prices

June 16th, 2024 10:05 AM

The media’s open lobbying for high gas taxes has faded since the public’s revolt against the cruel inflation of the Biden era, but MRC's archives show journalists have been determined advocates for higher taxes and higher pump prices for many decades

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Long Record of Reviling Ronald Reagan

June 2nd, 2024 10:21 AM

In the 20 years since his death, journalists have praised Ronald Reagan as a way to disparage today's conservatives. But a look at the record shows the media routinely derided both Reagan and his policies.

The Bee-pocalypse: Another Scare Story the Media Got Wrong

May 24th, 2024 5:08 PM

Have you heard about the “bee-pocalypse?” My new video explains. Honeybees are dying! It’s another environmental crisis we’re supposed to worry about. The media call it “bee-pocalypse” and “bee-mageddon!” A YouTube video with 15 million views says bee-mageddon “could lead to millions of people starving!”


FLASHBACK: Leftist Media HATED Republicans Long Before Trump

May 19th, 2024 10:08 AM

It’s one of those rhetorical devices you often hear on the liberal networks: media condemnations of “today’s Republican Party,” suggesting that if only Ronald Reagan, George Bush, or Mitt Romney were in charge instead of Donald Trump, journalists would be brimming with respect for the Grand Old Party. But it’s all convenient revisionism; the same media aggressively trashed yesterday’s…

Column: Hillary Clinton’s Conspiracy Privilege

May 15th, 2024 7:02 AM

It’s hard to watch the incessant gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Donald Trump trial in Manhattan without feeling like you’re traveling in a time warp back to 2016. We’re back reliving the “Access Hollywood” tape and talk of how Trump would have never been elected except porn star Stormy Daniels accepted a six-figure check to keep quiet.

Nets Fret Over FL Curbing ‘Abortion Care’, Cheer It as ‘Key’ to 2024

May 1st, 2024 4:26 PM

On Wednesday, the “big three’ of ABC, CBS, and NBC had full stories on their flagship morning news shows to reiterate their joy over Biden regime being so “eager” to make “abortion care” “front and center in the fight for the White House” and “drive voters to the polls” with the latest case being the focus on Florida’s six-week pro-life law being “one of the strictest abortion bans in the…

FLASHBACK: Media Seized on Elián Saga to Vilify Anti-Communists

April 21st, 2024 10:11 AM

24 years ago, gun-toting immigration officers snatched six-year-old Elian Gonzalez from his Miami home, in preparation to send him back to Cuba. Throughout the five-month saga, liberal journalists insisted there was nothing superior about living in the United States and slammed Florida's anti-communist Cuban community as a “banana republic.”


Heinrich Grills KJP on Islamists in MI, Biden Calling GOPers Killers

April 9th, 2024 7:42 PM

After a White House press briefing dominated Tuesday by questions about foreign policy (Israel, Japan, and even Haiti to name a few) for National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, little time was left over for Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Jacqui Heinrich was back in the Fox News Channel seat and she pressed Jean-Pierre over new anti-Israel rhetoric from the radical Islamists who populate…

YOU PUNKED YOURSELF: TIME Mag Doesn’t Even Know What a Meme Is

April 8th, 2024 12:27 PM

Have you ever heard of the old expression, “The left can’t meme?” Well, apparently TIME magazine is so broken with Trump Derangement Syndrome it can’t even figure out what a meme is. 

Stossel: Don’t Let Those Who Locked Us Down Off the Hook!

March 21st, 2024 2:35 PM

Four years ago, government officials told us, “Stay home!” We have “15 days to slow the spread.” Days turned into months and then years, while officials chipped away at our freedoms. I have long been wary of politicians, but even I was surprised at how authoritarian many were eager to be. Some demanded police to go after people surfing. They took down the rims of basketball hoops. Children’s…

Editors' Pick: Free Beacon Exposes Media Publishing Chinese Propaganda

February 22nd, 2024 3:02 PM

In the age of liberal media outlets warning of Russian collusion and misinformation, it became much more ridiculous for liberal media outlets to take millions of dollars from the Communists in China to publish their propaganda in the newspaper insert China Daily. But the liberal media is that shameless. 


FLASHBACK: Media Slammed Clinton’s ’99 Trial as a ‘Stalinist’ ‘Coup’

February 11th, 2024 10:17 AM

25 years ago, the U.S. Senate voted to acquit President Bill Clinton at his impeachment trial. At the time, journalists sneered that the trial of was a pointless waste of the Senate’s valuable time, while viewers heard it was an attempted “coup,” something “Stalinist” that evoked memories of Nazi Germany. Republicans were like KKK “night riders,” motivated by racism in their vendetta against a…


TIME: Jon Stewart’s Return a ‘Bad Omen’ for Late Night TV

February 3rd, 2024 1:30 PM

The media is in full celebration mode following Jon Stewart’s return to “The Daily Show."

TIME Promotes Lawsuit Against Biden, 'Complicit in Israel's Genocide'

January 26th, 2024 4:44 PM

The email newsletter from TIME.com had an inflammatory headline: "Lawsuit alleges Biden is complicit in Palestinian genocide." Isn't it surprising that a liberal media outlet would object to Trump mocking Biden tripping on a staircase, but they're find with accusations of genocide? The only acceptable criticism of Biden is from the left -- the radical, dishonest left in this case.