Because Why Not? Communist Karl Marx to Get His Own TV Series

November 12th, 2016 4:02 PM

Just what the world needed: A TV series about the life of infamous Communist Karl Marx. According to Variety, screenwriter Alice Brich will write a limited edition series on the author of the Communist Manifesto. Variety writer Leo Barraclough explained, “The story centers on the real lives of Jenny and Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and the two sisters — Mary and Lizzie Burns.” 

Producer James Schamus insisted, “By allowing us to experience this extraordinary story through the eyes primarily of the women who lived it, Mary Gabriel allows us for the first time to feel the entire human drama that changed our world.” This is the “human drama" that led to the death of 100 million people in the 20th century. 


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It's unclear, at this point, where the series will air. Variety quoted Schamus: 

“Illicit affairs, revolutionary plots, murder-suicide pacts, midnight escapes, aristocratic luxury and Dickensian poverty — the true story of the Marx dynasty outdoes even the most fanciful of today’s invented soap operas, all against the background of a world on fire and the formation of ideas that still transform today’s global society.”

Liberal journalists have long been fond of Marx. In 2009, the New York Times enthused that Marx is “back in vogue.”