Lefty Celeb Cher: Trump Is a ‘Despot’ Like ‘Stalin, Hitler’

August 24th, 2016 3:25 PM

According to Cher, “despot” Donald Trump is just like genocidal murderers Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler. Speaking at a rally for Hillary Clinton, the liberal singer offered a rambling attack on the businessman. She derided, “I was thinking, you know, despots, you know, Stalin, Hitler.... They said the same things. ‘We’re going to make Germany great again.’” 

Somehow, Cher also managed to bring in Brexit, comparing Trump supporters: “Like, look at Brexit. These people just screwed themselves so badly because they were angry and they didn’t think it could get worse.” The video, somewhat blurry at times, was uploaded onto Facebook by an attendee of the rally.  

Yet, the comparison to Hitler and Stalin were so uninteresting to MSNBC that the journalists ignored them when discussing Cher’s fundraiser for Clinton. On Tuesday’s Last Word, Lawrence O’Donnell talked to the singer and offered bland questions such as: 

“How long have you known Hillary Clinton?” 
“So you've been backstage with presidents and politicians at the presidential level in campaigning. How does Hillary Clinton compare to the presidential candidates you've been around?” 

The linkage to Hitler didn’t come up. Instead, Cher offered insights including this one about a recent Clinton appearance: ““But she just looked so pretty.” On Wednesday , MSNBC hosts twice mentioned the Democrat’s campaigning with Cher. 

Host Stephanie Ruhle noted that the celebrity is “causing some controversy with pretty salty words aimed at the Republican nominee.” But she, too, skipped the comparison to the 20th century’s worst dictators. 

A partial transcript of Cher’s August 21 speech: 

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CHER: His friend of 20 years said the other night, Donny Deutsch, said, “He doesn’t want to be president.” He said no one is more surprised then him. He wants the crowds. He wants the adulation. He doesn’t give a shit about the world. I’ve been watching him speak, you know, with the Teleprompters. It’s like, not many people are going to know this, but I do remember Fun With Dick and Jane. It’s like — it’s like a racist Fun With Dick and Jane. “We are going to build walls. We are going to keep — ” He doesn’t mean either we’re going to make America great again. He means we want to make America straight and white. 

But, I mean, he just says, like, the weirdest shit in that kind of – Also, I love this. “LGBTQ. It’s like he just learned it!” He went out and somebody whispered in his year, “Q.” So, I just think he’s a fucking idiot.” [Crowd cheers and drowns out Cher.] But I was thinking, you know, despots, you know, Stalin, Hitler. But then I thought, you know, even though they said the same things, “We’re going to make Germany great again” and it was a time when the Deutsche Mark was, I think 25 cents. And, also, like, look at Brexit. These people just screwed themselves .