The Same Chris Matthews Who Defended Tea Partiers Assailed 'Racist,' 'Nazi' Conservatives

June 24th, 2014 11:33 AM

Want to see the hypocrisy of Chris Matthews exposed? The Media Research Center has done just that with a must-see montage. [Video below.  MP3 audio here.]  Americans across the country were shocked on June 11 as Matthews defended the Tea Party and lashed out against their critics. He lectured the liberal Ronan Farrow: "This looking down our noses at Tea Party people has got to stop. They have a message, they're as American as any liberal is." Welcome remarks, especially on MSNBC. However, Matthews clearly doesn't listen to himself talk. This same person has assailed Tea Partiers and conservatives as "racist," "stupid" "Nazis." 

Trashing a Tea Party senator on October 29, 2013, he wondered, "Is Ted Cruz the Republican Freddy Krueger?" Talking about conservative opposition to the President's position on the birth control mandate, Matthews on October 22, 2012 sneered, "Is it in society's interests for her boss to be able to be the birth control Nazi to decide who gets it and who doesn't? On March 20, 2013, the anchor wondered whether Tea Partiers want to return to an America where "where blacks were slaves...Is this what they want?" 

On October 13, 2009, the MSNBC journalist joked about a violent end for Rush Limbaugh: 

CHRIS MATTHEWS: You guys see Live and Let Die, the great Bond film with Yaphet Kotto as the bad guy, Mr. Big?  In the end they jam a big CO2 pellet in his face and he blew up.  I have to tell you, Rush Limbaugh is looking more and more like Mr. Big, and at some point somebody's going to jam a CO2 pellet into his head and he's going to explode like a giant blimp.  That day may come.

On May 17, 2011, Matthews mocked Tea Party favorite Sarah Palin: "I think Sarah Palin proved herself to be...profoundly stupid." 

Perhaps that Matthews should talk to the version of the host who said this: "This looking down our noses at Tea Party people has got to stop. They have a message, they're as American as any liberal is, and they're really angry of the failure of the system." 

It's good advice for either iteration of Chris Matthews. 

Special thanks to Eric Scheiner for creating the video montage.