Biden Tells Scarborough: You Deserve an Award if Anything Gets Done on Gun Control

April 11th, 2013 10:09 AM

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough got an endorsement Thursday that he might live to regret.

In an exclusive Morning Joe interview with Joe Biden, the Vice President told Scarborough, "The two guys that deserve - if anything gets done [on gun control] - an award here are you and Michael Bloomberg" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

At the end of a three part gun control discussion which included the Vice President, Mika Brzezinski, Virginia Tech shooting survivor Colin Goddard, Richard Feldman, the president of the Independent Firearm Owners Association, shooting instructor Tina Wilson Cohen, and Dr. Cedric Alexander, Police Chief of Dekalb County, Georgia, Scarborough said, “Mr. Vice President, thank you so much. It was a great discussion. We really appreciate it.”

Biden responded, “Joe, thank you.” After Scarborough laughed, the Vice President raised his hand and said, “ No, no, no, no, no. You have changed the debate in America. You.”

“Thank you so much,” Scarborough replied.

“You,” Biden continued. “The two guys that deserve - if anything gets done - an award here are you and Michael Bloomberg.”

“Alright, I don't know if that's going to help me in a future Republican primary, but thank you so much!” Scarborough said.

“It will not,” Biden observed, “and probably won't help him either. And it won't help either one of you that I think you're great guys.”

“Oh lord,” offered Brzezinski. “There it goes. Your political future is over.”

“You’re done,” added Biden.

“I really appreciate it,” said Scarborough. “You finished me!”

Yes, this will certainly get Scarborough in hot water with his detractors.