Hillary Bemoans ‘Rich are Getting Richer,’ Oprah Says 'I Have All That and I Think It's Great'

April 12th, 2006 11:08 AM

In November, famed television host Oprah Winfrey was gushing over the possible presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton (D-NY) at the International Emmy Awards ceremony. Unfortunately, it appears that these two prominent liberal women don’t share the same view concerning wealth in our nation, for one panders as if she hates it – lavish book contracts and futures trading forays aside – while the other proudly revels in it.

Bloomberg reported Monday: “In an interview previewing a major speech she will give tomorrow at the Chicago Economic Club, Clinton said,  ‘the rich are getting richer, everybody else is marching in place’' and ‘I don't think that's good for us.’''

Well, speak for yourself, sister, for People magazine reported on Tuesday: “Oprah Winfrey is a rich woman – and she's got no problem with that."

Say it isn’t so, Oprah! Liberals aren’t supposed to admit – at least not in public anyway – that they are just as fascinated by money as conservatives:

“Speaking in Baltimore on Monday at a fundraiser for Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School, Winfrey told the audience, ‘I have lots of things, like all these Manolo Blahniks. I have all that and I think it's great. I'm not one of those people like, 'Well, we must renounce ourselves.' No, I have a closet full of shoes and it's a good thing.’"

Yes, it is a good thing, Oprah. Now tell us just how comfortable you are with all your money:

“Winfrey, 52, who is reportedly worth more than $1 billion, said she doesn't feel guilty about her wealth. ‘I was coming back from Africa on one of my trips,’ she said. ‘I had taken one of my wealthy friends with me. She said, 'Don't you just feel guilty? Don't you just feel terrible?' I said, 'No, I don't. I do not know how me being destitute is going to help them.' Then I said when we got home, 'I'm going home to sleep on my Pratesi sheets right now and I'll feel good about it.'"

Isn’t that special? Of course, one imagines that as Hillary’s run for the White House nears, and Oprah begins campaigning for her, this tune is going to change keys and tempo faster than one of Oprah’s maids can wash and press those Pratesi sheets.