With the liberal media boosting Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s partisan accusation that Attorney General William Barr committed a crime and lied to Congress, NBC’s Sunday Today highlighted Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer and “fixer”, who was due in prison Monday on charges that included lying to Congress.
“Let's turn now to Washington and a Monday deadline looming for Attorney General William Barr to hand over a mostly unredacted version of the Mueller report to Congress. This, while the President's former personal attorney gets set to turn himself into prison tomorrow,” announced host Willie Guest.
The report was delivered by Mike Viqueira, the same NBC journalist who admittedly “ambush[ed]” Special Counsel Robert Mueller as he left church on Easter Sunday.
Viqueira made the juxtaposition far more obvious as he began his report:
On the same day that Michael Cohen, the President's ex-lawyer and all around fixer is due to enter prison, in part, lying to Congress, House Democrats are threatening legal action of their own against the attorney general, Bill Barr if he doesn't hand over the full unredacted Mueller report by 9:00 a.m. Monday.
The report was formatted to seemingly show an equivalence between what Cohen did and the actions Barr took in accordance with his position as attorney general:
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER (addressing Cohen): Did you think when you started working for Donald Trump you'd end up in prison?
MICHEAL COHEN: I am ashamed that I chose to take part in concealing Mr. Trump's illicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience.
VIQUEIRA: Now a battle looms over another investigation, this one with major constitutional issues at stake. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler is demanding virtually all of the unredacted Mueller report. In a letter to Bill Barr, the attorney general, Nadler says he wants an answer by 9:00 a.m. Monday. If he doesn't get one, Nadler is threatening to hold Barr in contempt of Congress.
Viqueira essentially used Cohen as a cudgel against Barr.
After remarking on how the President was “digging in” against the endless investigations he has called “presidential harassment”, Viqueira hyped how “frustrated Democrats are threatening jail time for officials who won't cooperate.”
Meanwhile, Barr has been open and encouraging with allowing Congress to speak with Mueller. Hearing dates were still being worked out.
The transcript is below, click "expand" to read:
NBC’s Sunday Today
May 5, 2019
8:07:12 a.m. EasternWILLIE GEIST: Let's turn now to Washington and a Monday deadline looming for Attorney General William Barr to hand over a mostly unredacted version of the Mueller report to Congress. This, while the President's former personal attorney gets set to turn himself into prison tomorrow. NBC's Mike Viqueira is at the White House for us with more. Mike, good morning.
MIKE VIQUEIRA: Good morning to you, Willie. On the same day that Michael Cohen, the President's ex-lawyer and all around fixer is due to enter prison, in part, lying to Congress, House Democrats are threatening legal action of their own against the attorney general, Bill Barr if he doesn't hand over the full unredacted Mueller report by 9:00 a.m. Monday.
[Cuts to video]
On Saturday Michael Cohen walked the streets of New York a free man. But all that's about to change.
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Did you think when you started working for Donald Trump you'd end up in prison?
VIQUEIRA: The man who once said he would take a bullet for President Trump will instead report to prison Monday, for crimes he committed on Mr. Trump's behalf. Cohen's sentence? Three years. This, even after offering to cooperate with investigators and publicly rebuking Mr. Trump after ten years at his side.
MICHEAL COHEN: I am ashamed that I chose to take part in concealing Mr. Trump's illicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience.
VIQUEIRA: Now a battle looms over another investigation, this one with major constitutional issues at stake. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler is demanding virtually all of the unredacted Mueller report. In a letter to Bill Barr, the attorney general, Nadler says he wants an answer by 9:00 a.m. Monday. If he doesn't get one, Nadler is threatening to hold Barr in contempt of Congress. President Trump is digging in.
DONALD TRUMP: The subpoena is ridiculous.
VIQUEIRA: The President still refuses to release his tax returns or information on how top aide and son-in-law Jared Kushner was granted a high-level security clearance. Frustrated Democrats are threatening jail time for officials who won't cooperate.
REP. ELIJAH CUMMINGS: Did you hear what I said? I said there is no tool in our toolbox that we should not explore.
VIQUEIRA: As the standoff continues, Speaker Nancy Pelosi faces growing calls from within her ranks to impeach the President.
SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI: Impeachment is never off the table but should we start there? I don't agree with that.
[Cuts back to live]
VIQUEIRA: And, Willie, President Trump said on Friday that he wouldn't prevent former Special Counsel Bob Mueller for testifying before Congress, telling reporters he'd leave that decision up to Attorney General Bill Barr. Barr is on the record saying he won't object either. Democrats speaking directly to Mueller and his team negotiating for a date saying they hope to have Mueller before the committee by late May. Willie.
GEIST: Mike Viqueira at the White House. Mike, thanks so much.