Young Turks: 'Ironic' That NRA Supporter Scalise Got 'Shot in the Butt'

June 21st, 2017 11:27 AM
In the wake of the tragic and disturbing shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise, many would be driven to consider the implications of their political rhetoric and to heed bipartisan calls for unity and de-escalation. The Young Turks were not so moved.

In an extreme and deeply insensitive video, Hasan Piker of The Young Turks called the shooting "ironic," argued that Scalise "was no angel," and insinuated he brought the shooting on himself. Piker justified this reckless politicization by reminding the audience that "Scalise is in stable condition." For most, the victim of a tragedy being still in the intensive care unit would deter them from overtly politicizing a tragic attempted murder and attacking its victim. However, the left-wing commentator resisted such common decency:  
PIKER: So now, we're faced with the tragic yet incredibly ironic situation where Steven Scalise, a Republican congressman with an A+ NRA rating, got shot in the butt. And the reason why I'm being so callous is because Steven Scalise is in stable condition, and had recently cosponsored a bill to relax restrictions on interstate gun sales:
[Scalise clip]
PIKER: Before Steven's wounds were even tended to, another mass shooting occurred across the country in San Francisco where two victims were killed. As a matter of fact, there have been 148 mass shootings in America so far this year, and we've all gotten so numb. But what were we expecting? Even the deaths of children can't get us to change our tune. 
Piker, ensuring he fully catered to his extremist audience, also got his licks in on the First Amendment:
PIKER: And some pointed to this latest shooting as evidence of how violent the left had become. Why? Because Kathy Griffin staged a photo session depicting the assassination of Donald Trump? Yeah, you're right, a washed-up comedian who very few on the left or right liked, staged a photo session depicting Trump's assassination and was widely condemned for it, and then in response some nutjob decided he had to shoot up a congressional baseball practice. That makes perfect sense. But years of acceptable racist indoctrination protected by the First Amendment, however, oh no, that is totally different! That is protecting our historic roots and American values! Republican logic.
Here is a transcript of the nasty screed:
HASAN PIKER: Earlier in Alexandria, Virginia today, where a gunman opened fire on congressmen and lobbyists prepping for their annual charity baseball game. Two Capitol police, a staffer, a lobbyist, and a congressman were shot at, but luckily no one died—except for the gunman, who was shot at and killed by the U.S. Capitol Police. In the wake of this tragedy, while pundits and D.C. elites rushed to express their concerns and condolences on social media, others like the diabolical manchildren at the Daily Caller and rigid supporters of status quo liberalism like those at the Daily Beast scoured the shooter's social media to find out if he leaned left politically and started broadcasting that information far and wide so they could out this asshole as a Bernie supporter and a Republican hater. Since everyone has already turned this shooting into a political tug of war, I'll take a shot at it as well… phrasing.
PIKER: So now, we're faced with the tragic yet incredibly ironic situation where Steven Scalise, a Republican congressman with an A+ NRA rating, got shot in the butt. And the reason why I'm being so callous is because Steven Scalise is in stable condition, and had recently cosponsored a bill to relax restrictions on interstate gun sales:
[Scalise clip]
PIKER: Before Steven's wounds were even tended to, another mass shooting occurred across the country in San Francisco where two victims were killed. As a matter of fact, there have been 148 mass shootings in America so far this year, and we've all gotten so numb. But what were we expecting? Even the deaths of children can't get us to change our tune. So yeah! This is a tragedy—it's a tragedy that our public servants could be putting their lives on the line. They already have to endure high levels of scrutiny under the public eye. Scrutiny that can out them when they dogwhistle to their racist constituents that they're just like the other white supremacists. I am of course referring to Steven Scalise describing himself as "David Duke but without the baggage"—which is probably one of the worst things you can say about yourself, even if you're running in Louisiana. It's like saying, "Hey! I, too, am a white supremacist, but I'm not super out about it. So, vote for me please."
PIKER: And some pointed to this latest shooting as evidence of how violent the left had become. Why? Because Kathy Griffin staged a photo session depicting the assassination of Donald Trump? Yeah, you're right, a washed-up comedian who very few on the left or right liked, staged a photo session depicting Trump's assassination and was widely condemned for it, and then in response some nutjob decided he had to shoot up a congressional baseball practice. That makes perfect sense. But years of acceptable racist indoctrination protected by the First Amendment, however, oh no, that is totally different! That is protecting our historic roots and American values! Republican logic. And after Steve's treatment is done after that platinum health care plan afforded to all members of Congress paid for with our tax dollars, he can comfortably go back to stripping health care for millions of poor people so when they get shot at because of our looser restrictions on guns then they'll be crippled by medical debt. Let's see if being directly involved in a shooting will change Steve's mind or cause him to double down on the rhetoric of his NRA sponsors.