Stereotyping? Hillary Tells Latinos to Get to Caucuses 15 Minutes Earlier Than Others

March 4th, 2008 8:25 AM

Has the Clinton campaign been caught engaging in ethnic stereotyping of Latinos? Jake Tapper suggests it has. ABC News' Senior National Correspondent reported from Texas this morning. After airing footage of Hillary on the stump reminiscing about her days in Texas back in 1972 working on the McGovern campaign, Tapper continued.

JAKE TAPPER: That experience may the reason why Clinton's campaign asks supporters in Spanish-language TV ads to show up at tonight's caucuses 15 minutes earlier than it asks supporters in English ads, suggesting to some Hispanic political observers that the Clinton campaign thinks Latinos might be a little tardy.

¡Ay caramba!

View video here.

Bonus Coverage: Hillary Doesn't Heart Media

A bit later, Tapper made this wry observation about the, um, facilities that the Clinton campaign provided for the press.

TAPPER: Does the Clinton campaign like the media? This urinal-festooned locker room is where they told reporters to work last night.

You don't suppose the Hillary folks were sending a little message, do you?

Note: Michelle Malkin offers this witty description of the Spanish-language TV ad: "Hillary’s advice to laggard Latino voters ."