Cindy Crawford Fights Global Warming Malibu Style

May 7th, 2008 12:20 PM

Another celebrity has seen Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" and found green religion.

Supermodel-turned-mommy Cindy Crawford, now a blogger for Vanity Fair's Web site, appeared on ABC's May 7 "Good Morning America" to tell viewers they can save the environment by buying a $20 water bottle.

"But my kids go to a school in Malibu and it's super-environmentally conscious," Crawford said. "We do beach clean ups, try to use less plastic as a school. And so, that kind of made me think what can I do? And, I teamed up with PUR, which is a water filtration company. They do the things you can attach to your faucets, as well as those pitchers and we came up with a reusable water bottle."

That's sounds great, except the reusable water bottle, made by a company that directly competes with the bottled water industry, isn't cheap.

"The other great thing, which is on their Web site,, if you buy one of these, which is $19.99, which is the normal price - the proceeds go toward safe drinking water for children in undeveloped countries. You know, kids are dying if they don't have clean water."

Crawford also showed off her math skills ... well, almost.

"Fifty billion [water bottles used a year] in America and only 50 percent are recycled," Crawford said. "So that's like 38 billion that aren't recycled."

Thirty-eight billion is not 50 percent of 50 billion. Assuming that Crawford is correct about 38 billion unrecycled bottles that would mean roughly 24 percent of them are recycled.