Last Thursday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad posted on his website his most recent anti-Semitic tirade, saying global forces should join together to annihilate Israel. Meanwhile, in Orlando, Fla., President Barack Obama had a takeout plate of pulled pork and rice.
The Jerusalem Post reported Ahmadinejad as saying, "Anyone who loves freedom and justice must strive for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the way for world justice and freedom."
Those words came from the same international leader who called the Holocaust a myth and entreated that Israel should be "wiped off the page of time" in a 2005 speech.
One might think Ahmadinejad's caustic influence would play out with only extremists, until one realizes that his words preceded Iran's annual "Quds Day" (Aug. 17), a nationwide event and national holiday (since 1979) during which massive crowds condemn Israel and the U.S. with chants of "Death to Israel" and "Death to America."
To add insult to injury, in the past week, Iranian officials have chided increased Western sanctions as "warfare." Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who holds the last word on all Iranian state matters, retorted that his Islamic Republic can overcome the latest round of sanctions restricting their oil and money. And a top Iranian official said his government will share "experience and capabilities" with the regime of President Bashar Assad in Syria.
Tensions with Iran have been ramped up lately way beyond Obama's foreign diplomatic abilities and sanction-only quasi-restrictions. To put it simply, the former senator from Chicago is way over his head. He's playing chess with madmen.
Obama's foreign-relations political waffling is not only a dismal failure but also a detriment to peace, stability and safety in the Middle East. One day he coddles Israelis, assuring them that America will stand by them. The next day he is the pro-Palestinian in chief, dissing Israel's president to the French president. (Remember when Obama belittled Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a hot-mic moment after French President Nicolas Sarkozy said he "cannot bear Netanyahu; he's a liar"? Obama replied, "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you.")
In 2010, The Jerusalem Post reported that only 10 percent of Jewish Israelis really believed that Obama is "more pro-Israeli" than pro-Palestinian.
With Egypt granting the Muslim Brotherhood's rise to power, Syria percolating with chemical weapons — which some are saying were possibly smuggled from Saddam Hussein's alleged surplus — Hezbollah perched in Lebanon and Hamas working internal affairs, Israel remains in the cross hairs of the Middle East thugs.
Imagine the volatility that will reign in the Middle East during the next four years! And 43 percent of Americans really want to re-elect a U.S. president who, rather than come to the active aid of our greatest ally in the Middle East, disses Israeli leaders on French soil?
Mark my words. America could very well aid and abet World War III with a leader like President Obama who is in his second term. Obama already has initiated that political momentum with his actions and inactions, but will we stand by and watch him carry it to fruition in a second term?
Foreign dictators and other extremists are praying U.S. citizens re-elect Obama. The truth is that the world's stability is buckling under the lethal combination of a militant Ahmadinejad and a passive Obama — one pushing for the annihilation of Israel and the other sitting back and waiting for it to happen, one creating the bomb and the other sitting back and watching while the fuse is lit.
Add to all that the Obama administration's second-term plans to radically reduce the U.S. military!
WorldNetDaily's Jerusalem bureau chief, Aaron Klein, has just written (scheduled for release Aug. 14) a groundbreaking exposé and borderline prophetic look into exactly what will happen in a second term with Obama. For example, in "Fool Me Twice: Obama's Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed," Klein details Obama's second-term "large-scale reductions to the U.S. military. Some examples: Scaling back the size of all U.S. ground forces by 20 percent; reducing the Navy's surface fleet by 20 percent; reducing the Air Force by two combat air wings; reducing the U.S. nuclear arsenal to no more than 292 deployed nuclear weapons and the complete elimination of the Trident II nuclear missile; the complete halt of all further missile defense development; the total cancelation of the second SSN-744 Virginia Class submarine."
Fellow Americans, America and the world need a U.S. president who will restore our economy and steady chaos in the world, not usher in Armageddon with his anti-Semitic, noncommittal, conciliatory, laissez-faire leadership. The very personage of the U.S. president should emanate deterrence, not indifference.
We need a president who will honor the timeless traditional relationship between America and Israel and reciprocate a blessing back to the U.S. by simultaneously observing these eternal promises: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee!" "Blessed is everyone who blesses you, O Israel, and cursed is everyone who curses you."
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