In J-School Address, Ramos Touts Activism Over Anchoring

May 23rd, 2017 9:22 PM

Univision senior news anchor Jorge Ramos no longer thinks much of being a network news anchor.

In fact, during his recent commencement address at the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California at Berkeley, Ramos actually disparaged the role, and signaled that his heart is no longer in it.

JORGE RAMOS, SENIOR NEWS ANCHOR, UNIVISION: I have been a news anchor for half my life, and I honestly do not know if this role will continue, the anchor role. But what I do know is that to be a journalist nowadays is to be precisely the opposite of an anchor.

Since the news anchor role, as traditionally defined, is to be an honest, impartial broker of the news of the day, it’s little wonder that Ramos now admits he’s disenchanted with it, as in recent years he has increasingly favored a more activist, advocacy-oriented approach to his work.

In Ramos’ view, at the dawn of the Trump era, the Republic is in dire straits and this justifies a different approach to the journalistic profession. In his apocalyptic words: “Right now, as we speak, we are defining the future of the United States. We have to decide in the next few years, or maybe in the next few months, if we want to be an inclusive, diverse country.”

In other words, in the world according to Jorge Ramos, if the U.S. basically does as much as just enforce its own immigration laws and takes steps to better screen out potentially dangerous individuals from countries that are havens of radical Islamic terrorism, that is tantamount to not being "an inclusive, diverse country." 

As expected, Ramos pushed on the graduates his controversial brand of activist journalism, telling them that “the old rules don’t apply anymore” and that “I know this might go against everything you have learned in this university.”

During his address, Ramos also completely failed to mention the reigning censorship of political correctness at Berkeley, where opposing views are kept out by violent leftist agitators, such as those who recently prevented commentator Ann Coulter from speaking there.  

Vintage Ramos, the veteran anchor also continued to peddle himself as representing the experience of not only the Latino community, but also the entire immigrant community in the United States.

JORGE RAMOS, SENIOR NEWS ANCHOR, UNIVISION: I am literally translating the Latino experience, the immigrant experience, for those who don’t know it. And whenever I am invited to CNN and Fox News and to other networks, I am trying to explain to them exactly how we feel, and how it is to be an immigrant in this country.

Ramos still consistently fails to recognize that his experience, let alone many of the liberal public policy views he advocates and pushes on his audiences, are not nearly as widely shared as he thinks.