Hispanic Religiosity Stands Out on MundoFox

May 18th, 2015 10:39 PM

While most of the country’s major media outlets recently highlighted declining levels of Christian faith and practice among the general populace, following the release of the Pew Center's latest survey on America’s Changing Religious Landscape, Spanish-language network MundoFox zeroed in on survey results which show the continued vitality of the Christian faith among the vast majority of the nation's Hispanic-origin population.

While rival Spanish-language television newscasts on Univision and Telemundo were silent on  the study, in its principal national evening newscasts MundoFox dedicated two full reports to the subject, noting that "Hispanics have become the most religious community in the United States."

MundoFox featured a report by co-anchor Carolina Sarassa with several key statistics on the growing percentage of U.S. Christians who are of Hispanic origin, as well as interviews with several Christians who affirmed the faith’s importance in their lives.

CAROLINA SARASSA: Latinos represent a third of the U.S. Catholic population.

LAYWOMAN: I think people are seeking something higher than themselves. So, I think not. People are not losing their faith yet. They have faith. Little, but they have it.

According to the Pew report, currently 34% of U.S. Catholics are Hispanic (up from 29% in 2007). Hispanics also currently make up 11% of U.S. Evangelicals (up from 7% in 2007) and 8% of mainline Protestants (up from 5% in 2007). Overall, 77% of the nation’s Hispanic population is Christian.

Relevant portions of the referenced Noticias MundoFox segment are below.

ROLANDO NICHOLS: Hispanics have become the most religious community in the United States...the proportion of Hispanic Catholics in the United States grew from 29% to 34% between 2007 and 2014.


CAROLINA SARASSA: The Pew Research Center study says Christianity continues to be the most dominant faith in the country. Seven of every 10 people identify with that religion. Latinos represent a third of the U.S. Catholic population.

LAYWOMAN: I think people are seeking something higher than themselves. So, I think not. People are not losing their faith yet. They have faith. Little, but they have it.

Español Original

ROLANDO NICHOLS: Los latinos se han convertido en la comunidad más religiosa de Estados Unidos...la proporción de católicos hispanos en Estados Unidos creció del 29% al 34% entre el 2007 y el 2014.


CAROLINA SARASSA: El estudio del Centro de Investigaciones Pew dice que el cristianismo sigue siendo la fe más dominante en el país. Siete de cada 10 personas identifica con esa religión. Los latinos representamos un tercio de toda la población de católicos en Estados Unidos.

SEÑORA NO IDENTIFICADA: Yo pienso que la gente anda buscando algo más arriba que uno mismo entonces yo creo que no están perdiendo la fe todavía. Tienen fe. Poquita, pero tienen.