Weather Woman Turns Weather Segment into Climate Change 101

August 10th, 2018 11:54 AM

Remember the good ol’ days when the weather was about the weather? Well, those days sure are no more. Now, ‘Climate Change’ is routinely trumpeted as the scapegoat for every weather abnormality going on in the world.

Don’t believe me? Look at Univision’s weather woman not only blaming ‘climate change’ and specifically ‘global warming’ for the recent freak hail storm in Colorado, but also taking the opportunity to diss climate change skeptics, to boot.



SATCHA PRETTO, NEWS ANCHOR, UNIVISION: the incident caused damage to hundreds of vehicles. Not to mention, I imagine the concern of those who were there and of course who has the task of watching over these zoo animals. And to know the details of the weather, this occurs during tornado season my dear Karla, but some would say it is super weird to see this during the summer.

KARLA MARTINEZ, WEATHER WOMAN, UNIVISION: It's super weird, but I think it's happening all over the world and it has to do with change, global warming, right? It is sad there are people who still do not believe in that.

By her declaration, Karla Martínez demonstrated she not only does not acknowledge the legitimacy of the skeptics of climate change, but they are considered to be hopeless opponents of science and logic itself.

The reality is there are many prominent scientists who are not fully on board with climate change. They include the eminent Lennart Bengtsson, John R. Christy, Judith A. Curry, Richard Lindzen and Nir Shaviv, among others.

To be sure, Univision was not the only news network to blame the latest weather extremities on climate change. Networks like PBS and NPR reported the weather abnormalities as climate change as well.

None of them referenced other factors involved in recent weather changes, such as man-made accidents, normal weather patterns or just highly flammable California land.

Weather segments should stick to informing viewers about the weather, not getting into what they think is the only truth behind what’s going on, especially when throwing words around like climate change and global warming.

Below is the complete transcript of the above-referenced segment, as aired during the August 8, 2018 edition of Despierta América on Univision.

SATCHA PRETTO, NEWS ANCHOR, UNIVISION: the incident caused damage to hundreds of vehicles. Not to mention, I imagine the concern of those who were there and of course who has the task of watching over these zoo animals. And to know the details of the weather, this occurs during tornado season my dear Karla, but some would say it is super weird to see this during the summer.

KARLA MARTINEZ, WEATHER WOMAN, UNIVISION: It's super weird, but I think it's happening all over the world and it has to do with change, global warming, right? It is sad there are people who still do not believe in that.