Salon: Trump Supporting Friends Should be Dead to You

June 15th, 2018 9:18 AM

You can’t be friends with people who disagree with you about politics. At least that’s what Salon wants you to think.

Salon political staff writer Chauncey Devega commands you to cut Trump supporters completely out of your life, saying that, “If you have friends or relatives who support Donald Trump you should confront them. Explain to them that they are complicit with Trump's cruelty and sadism.”

Then he tells her readers to, “communicate that you will no longer speak with them, nor will you offer them emotional, financial or other types of support until they denounce Donald Trump and what he represents — and make amends through speech and action.” A public confession, rending of the garments, self-flagellation, etc.

Chauncey sounds nice, doesn’t he? No wonder progressives are so miserable -- they’re incapable of compartmentalizing. Just ask noted hockey fan and parade enthusiast David Corn.

Why should Trump supporters be cut from your life? Because studies have shown that the motivation behind voters are “racism and nativism and authoritarianism.” If you voted for Trump for the sole reason that he was a Republican you are no better. The Republican party is “an extreme revanchist political organization” that works “against the common good” and “subverts democracy.” And that is “no excuse for supporting a petit-fascist authoritarian in Donald Trump and all the social ills he represents.”

Funny, but demanding people break contact with those you deem political untouchables comes much closer to “petit-fascist authoritarian” than anything Trump has actually done.

Still, Chauncey knows there are no innocents among the Trump base. Some people voted for Trump because they wanted to “take away women’s reproductive rights” and “they are rich and want more money from the government.”

The Trump supporter you suddenly stopped talking to may double down in the face of your rejection, but don’t worry because they will, “retreat into shadows like political Nosferatus when exposed to the light” and that’s “no reason for decent and good people to keep such people in their lives.”

The article demonizes anyone who voted for Trump, so basically 62 million Americans. If one were to heed his advice they would stop associating with a lot of people in their lives. Unless your entire extended family and friend group all voted against him. Which is unlikely.

Instead of having civilized discussions with people who hold different views than you, attack them and promptly cut ties with them. Then live in your own echo chamber where everyone agrees with you about everything. Oh, and don’t take mass transit on day’s they’ve scheduled victory parades.