TBS Show Lectures on Elections, Not Voting for Obama Is 'Bonkers'

September 4th, 2018 11:45 PM

A short civics lesson was written into the script of Wrecked this week. I didn’t expect such a discussion when I tuned into the show about a group of people stranded on an island but, it’s 2018, so there you go. Naturally, it was the liberal hippie-dippie woman delivering the message.

In the episode titled “Last Meal” airing September 4, liberal Florence (Jessica Lowe) is trying unsuccessfully to convince the group that their last meal together should be a vegetarian one. Her argument includes the usual clichés like “Meat is murder.” The group decides on chicken. Next a vote is called to settle on if the chicken should be grilled or fried.

After telling Florence that there is no difference between the two political parties and that only the banks win, Owen (Zach Cregger) lets slip that he doesn’t vote in his regular life. Florence immediately confronts him on it and a brief dialogue points to the importance of every vote, especially in local elections. In her frustration with Owen's lack of voting or paying taxes, she blames "white male privilege."



Florence: So, you’ve never voted?

Owen: Uh, no.

Florence: Not even for Obama? Oh, my God. This is bonkers.

Owen: You're bonkers!

Florence: This is crazy!

Owen: I really don't see what the big deal is.

Florence: Clearly you don't.

Owen: Okay, even if the whole system wasn't rigged for the banks -- which it is -- it's just one vote. It doesn't make a difference either way.

Florence: Every vote matters. That's the whole point of democracy.

Owen: Okay. I have a question for you. Um, is it soft?

Florence: Is what soft?

Owen: The wool that's been pulled over your eyes!

Crowd: Ohh! -Ohh! -Ohh!

Danny: Okay, okay. I vote we change the subject. Right, get it? So, uh, chicken, huh? I love

Florence: Shh! What about local elections? Your one vote could decide where your local taxes go. Have you thought about that, or are you too selfish?

Owen: Wrong again. I don't pay local taxes.

Florence: Yes, you do. We all do.

Owen: Not if you live in a van.

Florence: You live in a van?

Owen: Yeah, I do, okay? I was traveling so much as a flight attendant, it's like, why am I shelling out for an apartment that I'm never in? With the van, I save money on taxes and rent, and I get to shower at the airline gym.

Florence: Gross.

Todd: Dude. You're homeless?

Owen: No, I am a citizen of the world.

Florence: Who doesn't vote and sleeps in a car.

Owen: It's a van!

Florence: This is just classic white male privilege.

Danny: Well, how about that classic white meat chicken, right?

Owen: Okay, if anyone here is privileged, it's you. And don't get all high and mighty with me just 'cause you voted for "Obama bin Laden."

Florence: What?!

Owen: Hello!

Florence: Excuse me, what are you talking about?

Owen: Oh, crack a book.

Florence: You know what? I thought you were a good guy. But, apparently, that's just Island Owen, because the real Owen from back home is a friggin' dirtbag.

Owen: Well, maybe you shouldn't be with any Owen.

Florence: Fine by me!

Owen: Fine by me!

Owen is paying taxes, of course, but he just doesn't realize it. Local sales taxes and state taxes are paid by all people. I'm assuming he paid federal taxes on his wages as a flight attendant, too. 

Funny how shows always assume that their characters voted for Obama. That’s Hollywood for you – no doubt it never entered the minds of the writers for Florence to ask, “Not even Romney?” At least she is right about the importance of voting and the effects can really be seen on the local level. Also, a quick note for misguided Owen, all anyone had to do today was to watch some of the Senate hearing on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and a very noticeable difference between the two parties was very evident. That was certainly my observation, and I wasn't the only one.