Liberal Bully Alec Baldwin Defends Woody Allen, Implies Victim Lied

January 29th, 2018 1:58 PM

Hollywood is trying so hard to be woke. It’s a pity actors don’t realize some of their associates are a part of the problem.

Alec Baldwin, who recently tried to salvage his reputation by calling for a change in Hollywood, tweeted out his support for alleged molester Woody Allen. On his foundation’s Twitter account, Baldwin compared Dylan Farrow’s story to that of the girl in To Kill A Mockingbird, who lies about her supposed rape. The actor tweeted, “Like Mayella in [To Kill A Mockingbird], her tears/exhortations [are] meant [to] shame u [into] belief in her story. But I need more than that before I destroy [someone], regardless of their fame. I need a lot more.”

Given that this statement comes from the father of the year who once called his daughter a “thoughtless pig,” Baldwin shouldn’t really be talking.

This is the same actor who told The Hollywood Reporter that, “I knew of certain things that there were rumors of things happening to people, but I didn’t necessarily know the scope when you hear the hundreds and hundreds of women who are complaining about this. . . We’ve got to be vigilant in a new way to make sure that everybody is comfortable and that we get the job done together that we’re there to do.”

After his tweet storm, Dylan Farrow responded to The Hollywood Reporter: “It’s interesting that Mr. Baldwin chooses to dismiss the judgments of Justice Wilk and Prosecutor Frank Maco, who reviewed ALL of the evidence instead of just selected bits and pieces. However, considering that Mr. Baldwin confidently invoked Mayella Ewell to make his point while forgetting that it’s been hotly debated that she was, in fact, raped by her father, demonstrates that perhaps Baldwin is just not a stickler for details.”

Baldwin likes to think he adds to the political conversation in the Hollywood universe, denouncing Trump as a “blind and drunk guy at the controls of the train,” “a senile idiot,” and calling his attacks on Trump “curing polio.” Weinstein victim Rose McGowan slammed the out of touch actor as a “scum bucket,” especially since he had a past of “bullying women.”