Seriously? Lena Dunham Likens ESPN’s Jemele Hill to God

October 24th, 2017 4:28 PM

Some people express their controversial support for others in bizarre ways.

Girls’ Lena Dunham was apparently thrilled to discover that ESPN’s Jemele Hill was following her on Twitter, and announced to her followers: “Holy shit @jemelehill following me is like finding out definitively that God is here and she reads your blog. Fan dance.”

This tweet brings up a number of questions. Does Dunham believe in God? Does Dunham believe God is a woman? (An infinite deity with no concept of space or time would also not have a gender, since that would be a part of creation.) Does she think that the ESPN analyst who was suspended for calling out the company’s sponsors is the equivalent of an omniscient deity?

Perhaps Dunham idolizes the analyst for when Hill called Trump a white supremacist. Then again, Dunham is no stranger to calling people names, from labeling Sarah Huckabee Sanders as “easy to catfish” to slamming an airline as “transphobic.” Her boyfriend, Jack Antonoff, has said that Trump is “worse than a white supremacist.”

Unlike liberal feuds that seem to have gotten out of hand (i.e. Kathy Griffin vs. The World,) at least Dunham is promoting a sense of unity. Worshiping Hill as a deity and doing a fan dance must be exciting for the provocateur.