Obama Doesn't Seek Compromise Neither Should We

November 6th, 2010 8:52 PM
I take no great pleasure in having been correct in predicting Barack Obama's reaction to his Tuesday "shellacking." To borrow his terminology, he is wired not to hear the American people's opposition to his radical agenda, as painfully demonstrated in his postelection news conference. Unhappily, Obama's answers showed even deeper intransigence than I had thought he would be willing to reveal…

The Public Is Watching

November 4th, 2010 12:15 PM
Removing the snake from the garden with a stick was a rejection of the snake, but should not be seen as particularly an endorsement of the stick — except as the closest available tool with which to eject the snake. The stick should not be seen as a substitute snake. That was the tone after the election in which there was a general agreement that the election was a broad and deep repudiation…

Take Your Olive Branch and Shove It, Democrats

November 3rd, 2010 4:01 PM
On the eve of a historic midterm election upheaval, President Barack Obama tried to walk back his gratuitous slap at Americans who oppose his radical progressive agenda. "I probably should have used the word 'opponents' instead of 'enemies' to describe political adversaries," Obama admitted Monday. "Probably"? Here is an ironclad certainty: It's too little too late for the antagonist-in-chief…

Bozell Column: Obama Failed to Communicate

November 2nd, 2010 11:00 PM
In one of his latest attempts to get his face on every television network in America before the election, President Obama appeared on “The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart to plead his case to the hip, young, leftist voters who love that show. Obama claimed he had done so much, “We have done things that some folks don't even know about!” In a more serious interview, Obama told the Los Angeles…

The Tax Man Cometh

November 2nd, 2010 4:08 PM
When the House voted to adjourn about a month ago by a 210-209 margin, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and her cronies avoided dealing with extending the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts, which expire Dec. 31. Rather than address the tax issue, the Senate also voted to adjourn. Instead, Congress is holding a lame-duck session beginning Nov. 15. What that means is whether or not you elect them back…

Priority One for Republicans: Extend the Bush Tax Cuts

November 2nd, 2010 12:00 AM
For newly empowered congressional Republicans, priority one must be an extension of the Bush tax cuts. There should be enough votes not only from a new Republican majority, but also from some of the decimated and dispirited (and even newly elected) Democrats. If President Obama is smart, he won't veto the bill. If the tax cuts are allowed to expire, everyone who gets a paycheck and has taxes…

America Is Not Losing Its Religion

November 1st, 2010 3:41 PM
Christine O'Donnell may have had to deny being a witch, but she wasn't the only election-year Halloween bogeyman for Democrats to trick voters with this year. Did you hear the one about how Republican candidate fill-in-the-blank, fill-in-the-district, wants to privatize Social Security? Even former president George W. Bush got thrown into that mix, for regretting his inability to get his Social…

Liberals at War With Liberty

October 31st, 2010 11:08 PM
Why were liberals were so insanely paranoid about the alleged nefarious activities of President George W. Bush? Projection, anyone? They were mortified at Bush's alleged encroachment on our individual liberties, but now that they're in control, we see where liberty ranks on their list of priorities. We've always known that the term "liberal," in modern parlance, is an oxymoron. Today's…

The Rise and Resilience of Conservative Women

October 29th, 2010 11:13 AM
My military friends have a favorite saying: "If you're not catching flak, you're not over the target." This campaign season, conservative women in politics have caught more flak than WWII Lancaster bombers over Berlin. Despite daily assaults from the Democratic machine, liberal media and Hollyweird — not to mention the stray fraggings from Beltway GOP elites — the ladies of the right have…

Our Contemptible Congress

October 29th, 2010 11:07 AM
Most people whom we elect to Congress are either ignorant of, have contempt for or are just plain stupid about the United States Constitution. You say: "Whoa, Williams, you're really out of line! You'd better explain." Let's look at it. Rep. Phil Hare, D-Ill., responding to a question during a town hall meeting, said he's "not worried about the Constitution." That was in response to a…

The Coming Struggle

October 28th, 2010 10:41 AM
There is an axiom that is adhered to by conservative journalists that explains at least some of what for liberals is this inexplicable election. It is the Taranto Principle. Coined by the inimitable James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal, the Taranto Principle encourages the worst in liberals by reporting politics with a slavish bias. The conservatives can do nothing right. The liberals can…

Bozell Column: NPR's Religion Double Standard

October 27th, 2010 12:28 PM
National Public Radio’s firing of Juan Williams tells you all you need to know about the radical, and thoroughly intolerant, Left. Juan Williams is a liberal, but still, he isn’t liberal enough. The idea that he would acknowledge a mere thought of discomfort at the idea of people in “Muslim garb” on airplanes in a post-9/11 world became a firing offense. It didn’t matter that he prefaced it…

Time to Put Big Government On a Diet

October 27th, 2010 10:47 AM
Thirty-six years ago when he first ran for Congress, Lake Jackson, Texas obstetrician Ron Paul rented billboards depicting a seriously obese Uncle Sam with the caption: "Put Big Government on a Diet." Most Americans, with the possible exception of those addicted to government benefits, would probably be happy to return to the 1975 federal debt level of a paltry $84 billion. Today, the…

Congress' Thirst For Spurious Spending: $200,000 for Bottled Water

October 26th, 2010 12:00 AM
The Congressional Budget Office just reported that in the past two years since President Barack Obama took office, federal spending is up 21.4 percent. The national deficit was $1.29 trillion in 2010 (second to the $1.4 trillion in Obama's first year in office, 2009), which means that for every $1 the federal government spent this past year, it borrowed 37 cents of it! The feds will tell…