
MSNBC Reporter Reticent to Admit New Information Complicates Simplisti
August 15th, 2014 3:00 PM
Despite new details revealed by the police that provide additional context to the Michael Brown shooting, at least one MSNBC reporter seemed to dismiss the new information as largely irrelevant. On the August 15 edition of NewsNation, guest host Alex Witt invited reporter Trymaine Lee to the program. He has been reporting on the ground from Ferguson, Missouri this week.
CNN’s Costello: ‘It’s Too Late’ for U.S. to Arm, Train the Kur
August 12th, 2014 4:00 PM
While it has been reported that the United States will provide the Kurdish army – commonly known as the Peshmerga – with small arms and ammunition, there have been repeated calls to more substantially arm the paramilitary force. On the August 12 edition of CNN Newsroom, host Carol Costello discussed the subject with Haras Rafiq, an outreach officer for the Quilliam Foundation, a think tank that…

MSNBC’s Ronan Farrow Asks If Black Americans Are ‘Under Siege'; Wa
August 11th, 2014 5:40 PM
In a discussion about the recent unresolved shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, MSNBC’s Ronan Farrow Daily touted the idea that there is a war on black men in America.
Host Ronan Farrow cited a piece from Jonathan Capehart in the Washington Post that discussed the circumstances surrounding the deaths of African-Americans, specifically Trayvon Martin, Renisha McBride, and…
Colbert and Hillary Clinton Mock Each Other In Funny Name-Dropping Int
August 6th, 2014 10:45 AM
In a lighthearted segment on the August 5 edition of the Colbert Report, host Stephen Colbert took to mocking – and promoting – Hillary Clinton’s new book, Hard Choices. Host Stephen Colbert began the segment by ripping the “shameless name dropping” in the book, and jokingly dismissing that “there is no way on Earth one woman can be in so many places at once!”
Lo and behold, Hillary Clinton…
Morning Joe Panel Hits Andrew Cuomo on Corruption Scandal: ‘Evening
July 28th, 2014 11:30 AM
Following Andrew Cuomo’s decision to disband a corruption commission he created, Morning Joe hit the New York governor hard for his questionable tactics. The scandal comes after The New York Times reported that Cuomo shut down the commission when it began to go after some of the Governor’s own political allies.
Cuomo was defiant in response to the allegations, asserting that “it's not a…

Citing ‘Legitimacy of the Court,’ MSNBC's Melber Hopes John Robert
July 22nd, 2014 6:09 PM
In the aftermath of a DC circuit court ruling today that would effectively end ObamaCare as we know it in the 36 states with federal exchanges, MSNBC's The Reid Report feared the worst, and attempted to rally the troops, so to speak. Host Joy Reid played the part, bringing on two guests who rejected the notion that this ruling would be accepted by the full appeals court panel or the Supreme…