Tim Huelskamp

Conservative Leaders Reject Facebook’s ‘Insulting’ Response to Bias
August 22nd, 2019 2:33 PM
On Thursday, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and more than 20 conservative leaders released a statement rejecting Facebook’s “insulting” response to specific examples of bias. They declared, “No conservative leader or organization should accept this as a legitimate response to the undeniable issues we have raised.” The Media Research Center (MRC) also leads a group called the Free…

New York Times’ Huetteman: Anti-Conservative Mockery in Three Acts
September 23rd, 2016 8:11 PM
As the country heads into an election where control of both Congress and the White House hangs in the balance, reporter Emmarie Huetteman wrote a “three act” comedy in loosey-goosey style mocking conservatives, for Friday’s New York Times: “What the House Spends Time On, Before Its Recess.” Paul Ryan can't find his agenda, "Democrats are thrilled" at the prospect of being penalized for June's sit…

NYT Gets Kick Out of Creaming of 'Hard-Right' Kansas Conservatives
August 4th, 2016 4:14 PM
Thursday’s New York Times got a kick out of conservative defeats in Kansas at the local and national level, when it wasn’t from relishing Donald Trump controversies and prematurely crowning Hillary Clinton the winner of the election. Reporter Carl Hulse, always on the look-out for signs of conservative weakness, found a pattern in a defeat of “hard-right” Kansas congressman and Tea Party “…

MSNBC's Melber: Tea Partiers Want to 'Make Sure More People Are Uninsu
April 24th, 2014 1:03 AM
On the Wednesday, April 23, The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC, guest host Ari Melber ignored concerns expressed for some time by conservatives that ObamaCare regulations would cause Americans to lose private health insurance plans they already had as the MSNBC host suggested that Tea Party Republicans do not care about people being uninsured and claimed that the goal of repealing…
NPR, N.Y. Times Agree: 'Very Conservative,' 'Least Productive' Congres
August 1st, 2013 10:44 PM
Inside the liberal echo chamber that is National Public Radio, the stale show known as “Fresh Air with Terry Gross” addressed Congress on Wednesday with New York Times congressional reporter Jonathan Weisman. Host Terry Gross announced “this Congress has been one of the least productive in history. They have accomplished so little that the president is looking into how he can bypass Congress…
Scarborough Has Hissy Fit, Asks GOP Rep 'You Dare Come On My Show and
December 21st, 2012 10:26 AM
Joe Scarborough had quite a hissy fit on the MSNBC program bearing his name Friday.
In the middle of a discussion with Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R-Ks.) about the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, Scarborough barked at his guest, "Do you dare come on my show and say I am using the slaughter of 20 little 6 and 7-year-old children, I'm using that for political purposes?" (video follows with…

August Budget Chart All News Outlets Would Report If They Weren't Libe
July 13th, 2011 6:53 PM
James Pethokoukis of Reuters published a chart Tuesday demonstrating exactly why all the hysteria about a debt default or missing Social Security check payments is a bunch of nonsense.
If America's news outlets were actually interested in disseminating the truth rather than fear-mongering, this chart or something like it would be part of every report involving the debt ceiling: