Thomas Erdbrink

NYT’s Embarrassingly Rosy Iran Coverage: U.S. an ‘Evil Doppelganger’
February 12th, 2019 10:32 PM
Thomas Erdbrink, Tehran bureau chief for the New York Times, for some reason likened the United States to an ‘evil doppelganger’ in his coverage of the 40th anniversary of the Iranian revolution: “For Iran, a Grand Occasion To Bash ‘Cruel Enemies.’” That would be the United States. He went full hagiography over the brutal Iranian regime, with no mention of the American hostage crisis or of the…

NYT’s Passive Coverage of Iranian Protests Draws Mockery, Outrage
January 2nd, 2018 2:42 PM
As the protests in cities and towns across Iran enter their sixth day, the New York Times has caught a lot of flak in the wake of its passive, often misleading initial coverage of the political uprising, as people rebel against the oppressive state, and shout slogans blaming the government for focusing on Hezbollah and Palestine while ignoring issues at home. The paper’s Tehran-based reporter…

Ted Cruz, Islamic Fatwa on Rushdie: Both 'Hard-Line' at the NY Times
February 24th, 2016 10:49 AM
So what’s the connection between Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz and Islamic organizations in Iran who just upped the reward for killing “blasphemous” novelist Salman Rushdie? Both are “hard-line” ideologues in the eyes of the New York Times.

NY Times: Iran's Release of Sailors 'a Sign of Warmer Relations'
January 13th, 2016 6:10 PM
Iran's increasing belligerence towards the United States in the wake of — or, more accurately, as a result of — the so-called nuclear "deal" between the two countries is unmistakable, as is the Obama's willingness — no, make that eagerness — to kowtow before that rogue regime.
Thus, the facade created at the New York Times by reporters Thomas Erdbrink and Helene Cooper after Iran released ten U.…
WaPo Buries U.S. Release of Iranian Detainees, Praise from Tehran Deep
July 10th, 2009 2:45 PM
One has to wonder if working for the Washington Post fits the Obama definition of a "shovel-ready" job given the paper's penchant for burying the lede. Deep within his July 9-filed story "Protesters Clash With Police in Iran," Washington Post Foreign Service correspondent Thomas Erdbrink noted a very interesting development bearing implications on the Obama administration's foreign policy…