Neil Munro

CNN's Acosta Shouts Out DACA Questions — At WH Easter Egg Roll
April 3rd, 2018 6:44 PM
As Scott Whitlock noted Tuesday afternoon, CNN's perpetually aggrieved Jim Acosta was at it again, hinting at a conspiracy behind a lost broadcast connection: "I won’t read into why we lost connection just a few moments ago." Acosta's Tuesday whining shouldn't cause us to forget or ignore what he did on Monday, when he set a new low for journalistic rudeness by shouting questions at President…

Will Media Fact Checkers Find Obama's 'Outspent' Underdog Whoppers In
July 6th, 2012 3:33 PM
Neil Munro at The Daily Caller is pointing out that Barack Obama has a truth-telling problem when it comes to being outspent on his previous campaigns. Someone should alert Politifact and its users in the press corps.
“I got outspent when I ran [the] first time for Senate,” the president claimed in his campaign speech Thursday in Maumee, Ohio. Munro found "Obama was misleading." Yeah, that's…

MSNBC Guest Insists Neil Munro Motivated by Hatred of Non-white Immigr
June 20th, 2012 10:46 AM
Any old liberal journalist can charge Daily Caller reporter Neil Munro for being a racist for rudely interrupting President Obama during a press conference. It takes a hard-core lefty to delve deeper to diagnose the Irish-born journalist as a bigot for, well, questioning Obama's policy vis-a-vis how it harms the job prospects of American citizens.
During a segment on the June 19 edition of…

Geraldo: Daily Caller Scribe's Incivility Akin to 'Interrupting Lincol
June 19th, 2012 12:51 PM
Move over, Obama Boy -- you've got serious competition from Geraldo Rivera.
Talking with GOP Rep. Allen West on his WABC radio show yesterday, Rivera made a fawningly inane analogy to describe Daily Caller reporter Neil Munro's unmitigated gall in attempting to ask questions at a presidential news conference (audio) --

New York Times, Rest of Media Aghast Over Neil Munro Interrupting Obam
June 19th, 2012 8:29 AM
New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter got huffy in a Friday blog post on behalf of his fellow liberal journalists, who took to Twitter en masse, aghast at the audacity of a reporter from a conservative news site interrupting President Obama's Rose Garden speech outlining his controversial new immigration policy (a version of Stelter's story also made it into print on Saturday).

Bob Beckel Tells Tucker Carlson: Giving Daily Caller a White House Pas
June 19th, 2012 12:35 AM
Liberal Fox News political commentator Bob Beckel had a heated exchange with Daily Caller editor Tucker Carlson on Hannity Monday evening.
With the topic Neil Munro's interruption of President Obama Friday, Beckel said, "The idea that they gave the Daily Caller a White House pass is the craziest idea I've ever heard" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Don Lemon Agrees With Sam Donaldson About Conservatives Opposing Obama
June 18th, 2012 12:14 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, former White House correspondent Sam Donaldson said Saturday, "Many on the political right believe this president [Barack Obama] ought not to be there – they oppose him not for his policies and political view but for who he is, an African American!”
On CNN Newsroom Sunday, Don Lemon agreed with Donaldson's indefensible observation (video follows with…

Sam Donaldson: Many on Right 'Like Limbaugh' Oppose Obama 'Not for His
June 16th, 2012 7:16 PM
The mainstream media's response to Barack Obama being interrupted by a Daily Caller reporter during a Rose Garden press conference Friday is getting more preposterous with each passing second.
ABC's former White House correspondent Sam Donaldson told the Huffington Post Saturday, "Many on the political right believe this president ought not to be there – they oppose him not for his polices […

Associated Press, 1987: 'Why Do Grown Men And Women Shout At President
June 16th, 2012 3:03 PM
You'd think from the reaction to Daily Caller White House Correspondent Neal Munro's shouted question during President Obama's announcement of de facto amnesty for 30-and-under illegal aliens at the Rose Garden yesterday that it's the first time any reporter has ever shouted a question at a U.S. president out of turn. Friday afternoon, the Daily Caller, Munro's employer, carried his explanation…

Politico Reporter Suggests Racism Explains Munro's Questioning Of Obam
June 16th, 2012 8:45 AM
A Politico reporter has suggested that racism was behind Neil Munro's questioning of President Obama at the White House yesterday. Saying "it's very, very difficult to place race outside of this context," the Politico's Joe Williams claimed racially-motivated direspect of PBO is part of a pattern among conservatives, citing Rep. Joe Wilson, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, and the Tea Party.…
MSNBC Contributor: Obama Interrupted During Immigration Speech Because
June 15th, 2012 3:46 PM
Barack Obama on Friday, while giving a speech in the White House Rose Garden about his new illegal immigration edict, was interrupted with a question from the Daily Caller's Neil Munro.
Not surprisingly, it didn't take long for someone on MSNBC to suggest it was because the president is black (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Anti-Catholic Ad OK in New York Times, But Similar Anti-Islam Ad Rejec
March 15th, 2012 3:24 PM
Neil Munro of the Daily Caller reports on a double standard on religious-bashing ads in the New York Times involving Pamela Geller (pictured), the activist against radical Islam whose "venomous" rhetoric the Times finds offensive, especially after her involvement in the opposition to building a mosque a few blocks from Ground Zero.