Dobbs Rants About Safety Chief’s Remarks; Calls Her 'Imbecilic

February 19th, 2008 3:25 PM
No one has ever accused Protectionist-in-Chief and CNN host Lou Dobbs of being one to exercise discretion when something has ticked him off. The host of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” blew up after interview after CNN correspondent Christine Romans interviewed Nancy Nord, chairman of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, on his a February 18 show. “This – Nord, is she as imbecilic as…

CBS: Bush Administration has ‘Ruined’ Halloween & Christmas

October 31st, 2007 1:21 PM
On both Tuesday’s "Evening News" and Wednesday’s "Early Show" CBS gave prominent coverage to Nancy Pelosi’s call for the resignation of the head of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Nancy Nord. In an interview with Nord on Wednesday’s "Early Show" co-host Julie Chen asked: American parents are upset, they're frightened, they feel like their Halloween and their Christmas is now ruined. They…