Lesley Clark

Media Softballs to Obama: Why Won't Republicans 'Budge' on Tax Increas
July 11th, 2011 5:10 PM
Six out of seven reporters, called on by Barack Obama at today's press conference, asked a question of the President that came from the left and/or blamed Speaker John Boehner and the Republicans for standing in the way of a deal on the debt ceiling.
Ben Feller of the AP, began the trend of questioning when he asked how Obama was going to deal with Republicans who were "adamantly" opposed to…
Obama Economic 'Summit' Features Tax-hiking Governors
October 21st, 2008 3:29 PM
Covering a "sober summit" held in Lake Worth, Florida that "focused on boosting jobs and capping the rising costs of healthcare," Miami Herald's Lesley Clark noted that Sen. Barack Obama was joined on stage by the Democratic governors of the swing states of Colorado, Michigan, New Mexico, and Ohio:''A crisis like this calls for the best ideas, the brightest minds, the most innovative solutions…