Karen Yourish

NYT Expose Publicly Shames Trump Supporters Who Dare Visit Mar-a-Lago
The New York Times has found a new, intrusive tactic to personally attack Donald Trump's individual supporters. The long expose, “How Mar-a-Lago Became the Center of Gravity for the Hard Right,” was posted on Wednesday, from New York Times reporters Karen Yourish, Charlie Smart, and David Fahrenthold. That headline was apparently not slanted enough and now reads “At Mar-a-…

New York Times: GOP Attacking Soros = Echoing 'Antisemitic Tropes'
As pro-Hamas campus protesters infest liberal college campuses, the New York Times put Artificial Intelligence and four reporters to work to neutralize any political advantage for Republicans. It spent over 3,500 words and using “a variety of methods to examine the extent to which federal politicians have used language promoting antisemitic tropes,” including “official press releases…

NYT's 10-Page Attack on Trump Twitter's Racist, Anti Media-Madness