Helene Cooper
On Illegal Immigration, New York Times Keeps Hammering Romney, Boostin
June 27th, 2012 5:00 PM
New York Times reporters have been hammering away at Mitt Romney over his handling of the immigration issue, using last week's Supreme Court decision that unanimously upheld the main component of Arizona's immigration enforcement law to portray him as in an awkward and defensive position with Latino voters (while downplaying the fact that illegal immigration is a lower priority for Latinos than…

Surprise: NYT's Coverage of New Obama Immigration Policy Utterly Slant
June 18th, 2012 3:28 PM
President Obama on Friday bypassed Congress to put in place the New York Times' beloved Dream Act by executive order that halted deportation of young people who came to the United States illegally. That merited Saturday's lead story slot, occupied by immigration beat reporter Julia Preston and John Cushman, "Obama To Permit Young Migrants To Remain In U.S."
Preston and Cushman devoted…

NYT White House Correspondent: Obama 'Hates' Camp David Because There
May 27th, 2012 12:00 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: There actually is golf at Camp David.
Camp David has been an historic presidential retreat since World War II, but according to New York Times White House correspondent Helene Cooper, Barack Obama "hates it" because there isn't any golf.
Such was revealed on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show this weekend (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NYT's Stelter Reports Media's Support for Gay Marriage, as His Paper D
May 16th, 2012 2:32 PM
Brian Stelter's media reporting for the New York Times slants to the left, but even he seemed to acknowledge that the mainstream press is strongly supportive of gay marriage in a May 10 blog post:
For years, conservative media critics have asserted that many mainstream journalists favor gay marriage and tilt their coverage of the topic accordingly. On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Thursday, Mark…

NYT Chides: Romney Already Running Too Harsh a Campaign Against Obama
April 26th, 2012 3:56 PM
The presidential campaign has just begun in earnest, but New York Times reporter Michael Barbaro already thinks the Mitt Romney campaign is getting too nasty. Barbaro's previous reporting doesn't betray much concern for Republican electoral prospects, but he was very concerned with the tone of the Romney campaign in Thursday's story.
(By contrast, the Times doesn't seem to mind Obama's…

Frank Rich Whines About 'Sugar Daddies: The Old, White, Rich Men Who A
April 23rd, 2012 8:37 AM
Sunday must have been reverse racism day for past and current New York Times employees.
After David Brooks and Helene Cooper expressed concern about there possibly being two "white guys" on the Republican presidential ticket, former Times columnist turned New York magazine flame thrower Frank Rick wrote "Sugar Daddies: The Old, White, Rich Men Who Are Buying This Election":

NYT's David Brooks and Helene Cooper Concerned With 'White Guys' on GO
April 22nd, 2012 8:36 PM
Is the New York Times afraid of white men?
One certainly got that feeling watching Sunday's Meet the Press as guests David Brooks and Helene Cooper both expressed concerns about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney potentially picking a "white guy" to be his running mate (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NYTimes Still Promoting Leftist Doves at J Street as 'Pro-Israel
March 29th, 2012 3:21 PM
Why is the New York Times so invested in promoting J Street, the minor, left-wing group of Jewish doves, as an influential counterweight to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)?
Reporter Helene Cooper Wednesday gave the benefit of the doubt to J Street, which wants to, in its words, "end the occupation" of Palestinian land, complains on its website about the influence on…

Chris Matthews Makes Mock Movie Trailer Attacking Romney: 'Mitt Better
February 26th, 2012 5:29 PM
Chris Matthews this weekend, on the syndicated program bearing his name, offered viewers a mock movie trailer attacking Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
In honor of Sunday's Oscars and the presumed favorite "The Artist," Matthews was using the occasion to cinematically show Romney's "downfall" is "when he has to open his mouth" (video follows with transcribed highlights and…
While Beating Up Republicans, Press Lets Obama Super-Sized Fib About H
February 21st, 2012 3:45 PM
Since when does a "few" mean thirteen? The answer appears to be: "When Barack Obama says it does, and when the press won't call him in it."
Rush Limbaugh today talked about a January 25 speech President Barack Obama made at Conveyor Engineering and Manufacturing in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and pointed to a particular segment demonstrating in his view that Obama was deliberately "downsizing the…

NYT's Helene Cooper Basks in 'Obama Camp's Delight' Over Romney Strugg
February 7th, 2012 3:57 PM
Potential Obama opponent Mitt Romney is “the gift that keeps on giving” according to the Obama campaign team, the New York Times' Helene Cooper eagerly reports in her Monday “Political Memo,” “The Flub Watch Never Stops for Obama’s Team.” The text box reads: “If Romney makes a misstep, the Democrats are ready to pounce.” And Cooper is right there to cover Team Ohama's glorious Twitter victories…

Spin City in NYTimes: 'In Airport Run-In, Democrats See Help for Obama
January 28th, 2012 8:39 AM
New York Times reporter Helene Cooper, touring the West with the president, claimed that the dust-up between Arizona’s Republican Gov. Jan Brewer and President Obama on an airport tarmac in Phoenix could help him among Hispanics: “In Airport Run-In, Democrats See Help for Obama Among Hispanics.”
A flattering photo from Las Vegas of Obama and some star-struck preteens was just part of the spin…

Front Page NYTimes 'Political Memo': Obama Has GOP Right Where He Want
January 6th, 2012 1:47 PM
Friday’s New York Times front-page “Political Memo” by Helene Cooper gave good marks to the president’s new aggressive campaign to demonize Congressional Republicans in the 2012 election year: “Obama Tactic: Jab Congress To Hurt Rivals – An Aggressive Effort to Steal Into Limelight.”

NYT's Cooper Suggests GOP's 'Hard-Line' on Immigration Could Win Arizo
December 2nd, 2011 2:24 PM
New York Times reporter Helene Cooper spread pro-Democratic optimism in Arizona, a state Barack Obama wasn't competitive in in 2008, thanks to the GOP's "hard-line stance" on immigration, in Friday’s “Arizona Sees a Boom In Voting-Age Hispanics – Democrats Sense Opportunity for Obama.”