Gio Benitez
All Three Networks Pile on Indiana's 'Controversial' Law
March 31st, 2015 5:11 PM
All three networks on Tuesday morning continued to pile on Governor Mike Pence and his state's religious freedom law. ABC, NBC and CBS focused almost exclusively on the critics of the law and pushed the idea that the legislation was bigoted. On Good Morning America, Gio Benitez acted as a prosecutor against the law. Talking to Indiana legislators, he demanded, "You're going to directly add into…
Nets Continue Hammering Indiana Over Religious Freedom Law
March 30th, 2015 10:35 PM
On their Monday evening newscasts, the major broadcast networks kept up their attacks on the State of Indiana for having enacted a religious freedom law that aims to protect individuals from government infringement based on their religious beliefs. While ABC, CBS, and NBC mentioned that there are those supporting the law, their coverage continued to veer off in a slanted direction against the law…

Study: Nets Tilt 2-to-1 Against New Indiana Religious Freedom Law
March 30th, 2015 12:56 PM
On Thursday, March 26 Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Act into law, aimed at protecting private businesses from government infringement on their religious beliefs. Ever since, the “Big Three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) networks have done their best to promote the bill’s opponents, who insist that the bill will lead to discrimination against gays and lesbians. From March 27…
ABC: 'Outrage' at Law That 'Many' Say Could 'Legalize Discrimination'
March 30th, 2015 11:25 AM
ABC on Monday continued to assail Indiana's religious freedom law, hyping the "firestorm" over a law that "many" say could "legalize discrimination." Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts trumpeted "growing calls to move the men's Final Four and boycott the state over the new law that many say legalizes discrimination."
ABC Cheers Belgian Woman's Modeling Contract, Ignores That It Was Revo
July 11th, 2014 11:47 AM
The hosts of Good Morning America, the superficial ABC morning show, on Friday gushed over a beautiful woman who was spotted at a World Cup match and given a modeling contract by L'Oreal. Yet, Robin Roberts and reporter Gio Benitez somehow managed to ignore the important part of the story: Axelle Despiegelaere has already been fired by the company after joking about "hunting Americans." …

ABC's GMA Yawns at Hobby Lobby Ruling; Spotlights 'Running of the Inte
July 1st, 2014 3:44 PM
NBC and ABC omitted covering the Supreme Court's final two rulings from their Tuesday morning newscasts, despite the fact that the decisions came down after their Monday episodes aired. Only CBS This Morning set aside air time for the ruling in the Hobby Lobby case, which upheld the religious liberty rights of closely held corporations.
Viewers of ABC's Good Morning America might have…