George P. Bush

New York Times Contorted George P. Bush's Climate Change Views to Fit
September 4th, 2014 7:24 AM
Last week Newsbusters analyzed the strange new respect granted a local Texas candidate (and Bush family member) George P. Bush: His global warming advocacy which, according to an approving headline, "Stray[ed] From Party Ideology."
Reporter Neena Satija of the Texas Tribune praised Bush, a candidate for Texas Land Commissioner, for avoiding making a "Tea Party talking point" and admitting the…

A Moderate Bush Wins NYT Kudos for Climate Change Concern, Unlike Anti
August 31st, 2014 6:20 PM
Strange New Respect? The national edition of Sunday's New York Times featured a favorable profile of a Bush family politician: George P. Bush (son of former Florida governor Jeb Bush) who's running for a minor state government post in Texas this fall. So what makes him worthy of a news story in the Sunday Times?
Well, here's the headline: "On Climate, a Younger Bush’s Ideas Stray From Party…