Family Research Council

Pro-Life Women Condemn ‘Women’s March’ as Planned Parenthood Event
January 19th, 2017 5:15 PM
Saturday’s women’s march doesn’t stand for all women, according to pro-life women leaders. In exclusive statements, national pro-life leaders called the upcoming Women’s March on Washington hypocritical for excluding pro-life women while claiming to stand for all women. Pro-life groups Students for Life, Susan B. Anthony List and Family Research Council all chimed in. From criticizing the march…

CNN's Lemon: Religious Liberty is 'Code for Discrimination'
April 1st, 2016 5:58 PM
CNN's Don Lemon acted more like a socially-left activist than a journalist on Friday's New Day, as he moderated a panel discussion on a proposed religious liberty law in Mississippi. Lemon twice misrepresented what the law actually says, and asked a LGBT activist, "Religious liberty — is that just a code for discrimination — I don't want to provide services to certain people? Isn't that just a…

CNN's Cuomo Likens LGBT Marriage Foes to Segregationists
June 29th, 2015 6:37 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo again acted like a LGBT activist on Monday's New Day, as he interviewed Peter Sprigg from the socially conservative Family Research Council. Cuomo raised the specter of Jim Crow when he claimed that a proposed First Amendment Defense Act in Congress "does smack familiar to what happened in the wake of the miscegenation laws and the civil rights laws, where ...some cited the…

Networks Ignore Obama's Jab at 'Less-Than-Loving' Christians
April 8th, 2015 3:29 PM
As the Big Three networks were touting President Obama's claim that climate change affects the health of children – including that of his own daughter – on Wednesday, their morning and evening newscasts have yet to report on the politician's criticism of many Christians during a Tuesday prayer breakfast. Mr. Obama underlined that "on Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am…

On 2-Yr Anniversary of FRC Shooting, WaPo Cites SPLC to Bash … FRC
August 15th, 2014 12:33 PM
How’s this for timing? The Washington Post’s Valerie Strauss, on the two-year-anniversary of the FRC shooting, launched its own attack on FRC – with the help of a study released by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the same group that inspired that shooter.
Here’s a quick recap: on August 15, 2012, a gunman entered the lobby of the Family Research Council in Washington D.C, planning to kill…

Daily Beast Reporter Slams Family Research Council for Using Term 'Nat
March 27th, 2014 9:03 PM
One of the big steps in winning a social or political battle these days is defining the terms to be used in the debate. Remember how an “unborn child” became an antiseptic “fetus” during the start of the abortion debate? And how left-wingers now call themselves “progressives” since George H. W. Bush turned “liberal” into a slur during his 1988 presidential campaign?
According to a Thursday…

New Orleans Paper Distorts Tony Perkins Comments About GOP Sen. Vitter
January 30th, 2014 6:47 PM
In 2007, Senator David Vitter was implicated in a prostitution ring involving the infamous “D.C. Madam.” Since then the senator apologized to his wife and family as well as the citizens of Louisiana, who, apparently, forgave him, as attested to their reelecting him to the U.S. Senate.
But that didn’t stop The Times-Picayune from publishing a story recently which selectively quoted from Family…

FRC’s Perkins: Obama Team on 'Search and Destroy Mission' with Relig
December 13th, 2013 9:28 AM
Religious freedom is under attack – first and foremost in the United States military – according to The Family Research Council, a Christian conservative non-profit dedicated to advancing and protecting “Faith, Family and Freedom.”
During a broad-ranging interview with MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins asserted that, “This…

Pesky Facts! WaPo Misleads on Public Opinion of Contraception Mandate
December 4th, 2013 3:59 PM
It’s been said that facts are stubborn things. True enough, but that doesn’t daunt the “journalists” at The Washington Post. Faced with uncomfortable information, those intrepid truth-tellers … ignore it.
That’s what Sean Sullivan and Scott Clement did writing on the Post’s overtly liberal “The Fix” blog. On Nov. 26, the day the Supreme Court agreed to hear Hobby Lobby’s suit against…
NYT Ignores Leftist Website Connection to FRC Shooter, Yet Suggested P
February 7th, 2013 9:47 PM
Floyd Corkins Jr. pleaded guilty on Wednesday to wounding a security guard at the Washington headquarters of the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian lobbying group fighting against gay marriage, on August 15 last year. Corkins was carrying 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches at the time – the restaurant chain noteworthy for its public, Christian-based opposition to gay marriage – and…

Networks Ignore FRC Shooter’s Use of SPLC ‘Hate Map
February 7th, 2013 4:13 PM
It was huge news. A map targeting those with opposing viewpoints led to a tragic attack. Partisan rhetoric was out of control and fringe-types were being driven to gun commit gun crimes. Except that, in the case of the Gabby Giffords shooting two years ago, none of those things were even remotely true. But that didn’t stop the media from breathlessly conjecturing that a target-festooned map on…

FRC Shooter Used SPLC 'Hate Group' Map, Which CNN Also Promoted
February 6th, 2013 5:25 PM
After a man shot a security guard at the Family Research Council (FRC) last summer, the organization claimed it was targeted because the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) listed it as a "hate group."
The shooter has now revealed that he indeed used that SPLC map to find his target. And CNN has not only promoted this list of "hate groups" in the past, but after the shooting it re-affirmed…

ABC, CBS, NBC Ignore FRC Shooter Corkins's August 22 Indictment
August 23rd, 2012 11:16 AM
"A grand jury indicted Floyd Lee Corkins II, 28, of Herndon, Va., on a federal charge of interstate transportation of a firearm and ammunition, and two District of Columbia offenses: assault with intent to kill while armed and possession of a handgun during a crime of violence," reported CBS News and the Associated Press yesterday shortly after 5 p.m. Eastern. carried the story in…

Libtalker Mike Malloy Blames Family Research Council for Gunman Shooti
August 20th, 2012 6:45 PM
Predictably, left-wing radio talker Mike Malloy blames the Family Research Council for being targeted by a pro-gay rights activist who allegedly opened fire at their headquarters and wounded a security guard.
What is surprising about Malloy's rant, even to those of us familiar with this most vampiric of radio hosts, is its jaw-dropped toxicity -- an American version of Radio Rwanda, circa…