
Ben Shapiro Sounds the Alarm on DEI in Medicine
February 29th, 2024 5:19 PM
The Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro exposed the threat posed by the diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) ideology in a field where competence is especially important.
CBS Blames Cancellation of Muslim Prayer at Duke on Franklin Graham
January 16th, 2015 12:57 PM
On Friday, CBS This Morning reported on news that Duke University had cancelled plans to have a Muslim call-to-prayer projected from the school’s famous bell tower at the Duke Chapel and, while Duke suggested that there were “several factors” that led to the decision, the segment prominently tied it to Rev. Franklin Graham and subsequent threats against them.
CBS News correspondent Julianna…
Name That Party Parade: ABC's 'Faces of Political Scandal' Labels Most
December 11th, 2008 9:04 AM
A collection of "The Faces of Political Scandal," assembled by ABC News yesterday (HT to an e-mailer), once again demonstrates the media's relative reluctance to identify the membership of Democrats involved in scandal.Of the 14 politicians identified, seven are Democrats and seven are Republicans. Five of the seven GOP members are identified as such, while only two of the seven Democrats were…