Today Show Features GOP vs Dem Fight Over Styrofoam Cups in Capitol Ca

April 22nd, 2011 10:49 AM
As part of Green is Universal week, NBC's Kelly O'Donnell highlighted a fight between Republicans and Democrats over the use of Styrofoam in the House cafeterias. On Thursday's Today show, O'Donnell reported, "Many Democrats are boiling mad because Republicans, now in charge of building operations, put a fork in the bio-degradable utensils Democrats had picked." O'Donnell went on to relay the…

Andrea Mitchell's Revelation to GOP Congressman: 'You and I Are Both W

March 10th, 2011 5:01 PM
MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell on Thursday brought the specter of bigotry into Representative Peter King's hearings on the threat of radical Islam in America. While interviewing Congressman Dan Lungren of California she awkwardly hinted, "Well, you know, you and I are both white." The irritated Republican wondered, "What does that mean?" Mitchell lectured, "I'm just asking, get in their heads…

Republican Fires Back at Matthews's Palin Insults

October 14th, 2008 7:22 PM
Chris Matthews spent the entire first segment of Tuesday night's "Hardball," questioning Sarah Palin's "intellectual ability" to lead but Republican Congressman Dan Lungren wasn't having any of it, as he countered: "You want to talk about my friend Joe Biden who made at least 10 misstatements in the last debate," and even made fun of Matthews' Obama fondness, as the California Congressman fired…