Bill Schneider

17 Years Ago, Clemency for Scooter Libby Drew Massive Media Ire
The media have exhibited compassion regarding President Biden's pardon for his son, Hunter, but 17 years ago, angry journalists railed against the “travesty of justice” after President Bush merely commuted the prison sentence of former White House aide “Scooter” Libby.

FLASHBACK: 36 Years of Media Derision & Scorn for GOP Veeps
Expect the media elite to greet Donald Trump’s new running mate with derision and scorn, because that’s what has faced (nearly) all Republican VP candidates since the Media Research Center began tracking political coverage in the 1980s.
We Dug Up Decades-Old Video CNN Wants You to Forget: Clinton Is Elvis
CNN gushing over a Democratic president didn’t start with Joe Biden or even Barack Obama. You have to go back all the way to Bill Clinton to see the birth of the cable channel’s love affair with liberal presidents. It was 20 years ago this week that CNN produced a syrupy, vomit-inducing valentine to Bill Clinton comparing him to, yes, Elvis Presley. Then-senior political analyst Bill Schneider…
MSNBC Guests Flaunt Iran Deal Comparisons, Blame GOP for Partisanship